Chapter 10: All Things Work Together

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[ Song that the story title is inspired by ]

The park was bustling with activities as the kids worked on their projects. Chase stood and watched with admiration as he kept another eye on the surrounding area to make sure things ran smoothly. It had already been an hour into his duty at the park and things were nearing their end, but that didn't keep the police pup from being on his A-game. 

When things first started, Chase had helped direst the convoy across the street to the park, doing his police duties and stopping traffic for the crossing pedestrians. Once the kids got started on their projects, the German Shepherd would go around and help where needed; whether that be cutting with scissors, gluing things together, or even just lending an extra paw for whatever reason. 

All the children were thrilled that they got to spend their final project with a member from The PAW Patrol. The group as a whole was highly admired in the town, but for the kids it was like a new level of wonder. A band of pups that could drive special vehicles and rescue those in danger? How cool was that! Most of the time with the kids was spent with them bombarding Chase with questions. He did his best to answer them all; questions ranging from what his job was like, how they all drove with paws, who his favorite pup was, how the other pups were doing and why they were each child's favorite, what each pup liked to do outside of missions, and many, many more than he could keep track of.

Before long, they kids were all done with their cards and one-by-one, their parents began to arrive and pick them up. Chase was given loads of praise from kids and parents alike, thanking him for helping them and watching out for the kids. The police pup also received lots of petting and head scratches for his work, which he enjoyed to the fullest. 

As the park died down and nearly all the children were picked up, Chase had struck up a conversation with a kid named Alex. He was a friend of the pups and unofficial number one fan of The PAW Patrol. The team had met him after rescuing him a time or two and became friends, sometimes playing or following him on some adventures off of missions. Alex would sometimes get into trouble out of curiosity, causing him to ask for assistance from the pups to get out of his predicaments. But his heart was in the right place: often revealing that good intentions were behind some of the messes he got himself into.

"It's so COOL that we got to spend today with you!" Alex threw his hands up in joy as he pet Chase on the head, the pup smiling contently as he received the affection.

"You're welcome, Alex." Chase responded to his big fan. "Chase is always on the case, even if it's making Valentine cards."

Alex laughed in response. "Well you saved the day like you always do! I bet the others are out saving people from danger."

Chase rubbed his chin in thought. "I don't think they've been called out today. So far this is the only mission of the day. Been pretty quiet to be honest."

As the two continued discussing what the other pups were doing, a food van rolled up to the sidewalk and parked as the driver got out.

Alex's eyes lit up at knowing who it was. "Grandpa! Grandpa!" he yelled as he ran over to the truck's driver and gave him a quick hug.

Chase smiled at the sight of Mr. Porter. The restaurant owner was also Alex's grandpa, and took care of him and taught him about running his establishment as well. The police pup walked over to the two as they talked about the day.

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