Chapter 5: Pups Make A Plan

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Chase and Marshall returned to the table with the rest of the pups and sat back down, joining in on the conversations between them all. About five minutes later, Ryder and Jake returned from the kitchen with refreshments, making several trips to serve all the pups. Aside from the hot cocoa, the two boys had also made some grilled cheese sandwiches and chicken noodle soup, as well as placing some bowls of water for the pups to drink as well.

"Thank you for the food." Rubble said gratefully, munching down at his sandwich. "I guess we really worked up an appetite."

"No worries," Ryder chuckled, "You all are such good pups and did great out there. Me and Jake figured you all could use some food." 

"This is soooo good!" Zuma praised as he pulled on the gooey cheese after taking a bite from his sandwich. Rocky sat beside him with his head down towards his soup bowl, lapping up the hot substance with his tongue.

"No problem, little guy." Jake assured, pointing playful finger guns at the Chocolate Lab. "I knew you all would love my infamous grilled cheese skills!"

Everyone laughed as they continued to chow down. Between munching on grilled cheese and sipping the cocoa (which was a little awkward for the pups, but they managed with both paws around the mug), the group joked and had a fun time discussing things from personal life and the topic of Valentines Day. 

"So," inquired Ryder to Jake, "You going to have a busy day tomorrow since the chairlift is fixed and it IS Valente's Day?"

The resort owner finished chewing his food before giving a response. "Well, not really. Most of the peeps in the city usually do the typically date stuff: go out to eat, see a movie, walk in the park. Just the usual. There's like, a few who choose to take their special someone's up here on the hills, but other than that, the traffic up here is mainly a little slow."

"Oh! Could Everest spend the night with us down at The Lookout since you won't be busy?" Marshall asked a little too eagerly. He wanted to spend some time with the Husky of course, but he also had other intentions that revolved the rest of the pups as well.

"What do you say, Jake?" Ryder turned his head to the man in question.

"I don't see why not." Jake answered without even having to ponder his reply. "It's going to be slow, and she deserves some time with the other pups, especially after the great job we all just did. Plus, I'm sure my little Husky-Wusky would have fun down there in some warmer whether, wouldn't you?"

"Jaaaaake!" Everest moaned and hid her bright red face at the mention of her owner's nickname towards her. "Thank you, though. I really do."

The other pups and Ryder had a little laugh. Marshall couldn't help but grin mischievously at Everest's nickname and reaction. Husky-Wusky. Boy, was he going to tease her with that from now on. Plus he thought it was cute, so there was that too.

"Yay! More girl time!" cheered Skye at the decision.

"Hey, us boys aren't that bad." defended Rocky, before getting an unamused look from the pilot pup. "Well, most of the time. Hehe."

Finishing up their food, Jake took everyone's dishes into the kitchen and placed them in the sink to be washed later. He then returned back to the dining area with everyone else as thy got out of their seats.

"Thanks again for the help, dudes." Jake smiled as he fist bumped Ryder and gave it a firm shake. "Me and Everest totally couldn't have done it without you guys."

"No problem Jake." assured Ryder as they broke the handshake. "You know what we say: If you're ever in trouble, just yelp for help." The pups barked and howled to emphasize his point.

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