Chapter 9: A Sentimental Game

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Time seemed to stand still as Chase and Skye stood in place looking at each other. The Cockapoo waited with eager patience as to what her friend wanted to tell her so badly. Looking at her with great courage, the German Shepherd got lost in her eyes and admiring her beauty. His heart beat faster and faster as he felt a knot in his throat, making it difficult to form words.

"What is it, Chase?" Skye asked sweetly as she returned the police pup's gaze with a loving look of her own. Noticing the shyness and nervousness written all over his face, she smiled and did her best to make him feel comfortable.

The German Shepherd's gut burned like it was on fire. He did his best to concentrate on breathing in order to not hyperventilate. The anxiety inside him wasn't going down as he opened his mouth to confess.

"Skye....I, uhm...." He did his best to begin, his words choking up and getting caught in his throat. "You can do it, Chase. You're almost there." he told himself to try and help.

Skye leaned in with anticipation as her friend trailed off his words. The pilot pup kept her smile on and tilted her head slightly, doing all she could to keep up the warming atmosphere that surrounded her.

"I mean....uh, it's...." Chase tried once again as he got so close to spitting it out, eyes darting everywhere. He knew that Skye was trying to help the situation, but the smile and head tilt made him feel like he was going to pass out from the cuteness. He was just about to open his mouth one more time when he met her eyes once again. Something seemed to shatter within the police pup as his mind changed like a flip of a coin. 

"I can't do this." 

The German Shepherd slumped down a little, doubt taking over his mind. He had already made a fool out of himself in front of her. All the confidence and planning he had earlier was officially gone. 

"It''s nothing." Chase said as his ears laid back and a veil of sadness covered his face. He began to back up slowly as his eyes started to tear up from nervousness and depression. "I'm sorry. Go have fun at the p-p-parlor....b-bye."

Skye's smile slowly faded as a look of concern took it's place. She noticed Chase's demeanor flip like a switch and how his eyes began to mist up. "Wait." she said sincerely, reaching out a paw to keep him from backing down away from her. But it was too late.

Chase turned around and ran down the driveway, trying to focus on getting away and not breaking down in front of Skye. He reached the bottom and turned into the open hanger where Ryder's ATV was stored, quickly shutting the door behind him to hide. At the top, Skye was left confused, worried and saddened; trying her best to think of what could've caused the police pup's mood change, or even if SHE had done something to affect it.

Everest watched the whole ordeal from her hiding spot and laid her ears back in sympathy for the German Shepherd. Quietly, she made her way back into The Lookout and took the elevator to the top floor. With a heavy sigh, she communicated through her mic to the other pups. "You pups still there?" 

"Yeah, you left us hanging there," Marshall answered, "What just happened?"

"Are they together now?" questioned Rocky.

"Well unfortunately, no." Everest explained to the rest of the pups. "It did not go well - like, at all. Chase went up to ask her, but he looked like he got too anxious and crumbled down in front of Skye. He ran away somewhere. He looked like he was about to cry." The Husky let out a whine.

"Dude, that sucks." Zuma stated. "I feel soooo bad fow him."

Rubble let out a whine through his mic as well. "That's awful. I hope he's okay."

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