Chapter 8: Setting Things In Motion

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The next morning Chase stepped out of his puphouse and stretched his limbs, yawning slightly as the rays of sunlight beamed across the horizon. The German Shepherd walked towards The Lookout, entering to retrieve his Pup Pack for the megaphone to wake up the rest of the pups.

On his way up the elevator, Chase let the gears in his head turn as he contemplated many thoughts on his mind. "Today is Valentines Day. It only comes once a year. Should I finally ask Skye out and let her know my feelings?"  he pondered as his brain weighed in on the idea. On one hand (or paw), today being Valentines Day made it easy to talk about love and feelings. It may have been cliché, but a lot of people and pups would celebrate and confess their love for one another. Many would take the chance or expected their special someone to use this day of all days to finally confess. However, on the other paw, he was doubting himself some. Every time Chase was alone with Skye, they would both turn into a blubbering, flustered mess. Yesterday was a good example of that. He loved that cute, little Cockapoo with all his heart, but always got shyer and shyer the closer he came to asking her. Unanswered questions zipped through his head. What if he messed up? What if she wasn't ready herself? What if she flat out rejected him on the spot?!

Emerging back out in front of the puphouses with his Pup Pack on, the German Shepherd inhaled deeply and let out a long breath. "Calm down, Chase. Don't overthink. If not now, I've got all day to figure this out." the pup told himself. He barked out the megaphone and gave the pups a nice little wake-up call. 


One by one, the other pups woke up and emerged from their puphouses, greeted by the sunshine as well. Between their stretching and yawning, the pups took in the warm weather the day had for them. The whole month of February had been unusually warm this year; no snow or frost at all in the first fourteen days. They had read that it was going to be around 68 degrees today, and they already felt that. 

"Good morning, Chase," Skye greeted as she walked towards him, the other pups following close behind her. "Oh, and happy Valentine's Day too."

"Yeah, bro. Happy heart day or whatnot." Marshall grinned and fist bumped Chase's paw with his own. 

Rubble's stomach growled along with Everest's and Zuma's. "Let's eat some breakfast." the construction pup suggested as the others nodded in agreement.

All seven pups entered The Lookout door and walked into the elevator. Marshall even trotted in yet again without a wipeout; his mind focused fully on the plan they would start after breakfast. After a short trip they arrived in the kitchen and saw Ryder making their meal.

"Goooood morning, guys." Ryder greeted as the pups sat down in the dinning room, watching the boy prepare their food in the kitchen. "I made you all some special pancakes."

The pups howled in joy at Ryder's announcement. Pancakes were some of their favorite, and they greatly appreciated it on the occasions they had them. Soon enough, Ryder came in and served each pup their meal. Each dish consisted of three pancakes, a scrambled egg, two sausage links and a strip of bacon. However, there was a special twist to their meals today. The pancakes were cut in the shape of hearts, with little messages written on them with strawberry syrup. "Happy Valentine's Day Pups."

"Thanks, Ryder sir." Chase said as the others praised him with gratitude. They all looked down at their plates.

"Awwww." Skye gushed at her pancakes with the message 'Hugs & Kisses'.

"This is so adorable!" Everest squealed as she held her cheeks with her paws, her pancakes reading 'Sugar Muffin'.

"'Smooches'? Eww." read Rubble from his dish. "But the pancakes look delicious, though."

Tongue Tied (Valentine's Day Special)Where stories live. Discover now