"W-Well, if you'd like, we can go to my house and eat some sweets. Then we can play Mecha Strike III so that I can beat you again. Unless you think otherwise of my previous statement," Marinette challenged.

"Oh, ho,ho," Adrien said with a playful tone. "Is this a challenge?"

"You know it," Marinette spoke.

"Alright, deal. Let's go eat some treats and play Mecha Strike so that I can beat you," Adrien emphasized.

"That confidence will go down, trust me, I should know. But, let's go."

Both laughed it off and made their way to her home. They made their way to her room without many interruptions since Marinette's parents were assisting customers in the downstairs bakery.

"Alright, model boy," Marinette started as she popped her head through the trapdoor. Oh no. She forgot all about it. She had put her Adrien-posters back up! And Adrien was right behind her. "Uh, heh heh," she laughed nervously.

"You know, we should probably play in the living room. Don't want crumbs in my room!" She excused nervously.

"Oh, sure! No problem," Adrien smiled. As they made their way living room, Adrien couldn't help but wonder why Marinette suddenly became so nervous. She was doing just fine a few moments ago, so why start now?

"O-okay, here you go," Marinette offered a plate of cookies to Adrien as she sat down in her sofa. Adrien accepted a cookie and settled down next to Marinette, grabbing a controller needed for Mecha Strike in the process.

"You ready to lose?" Adrien challenged.

"Nah, I don't think it's possible for me to lose, but thanks for trying," Marinette responded teasefully. Her confidence came back the instant she grabbed her control.

"We haven't even started and you've already assumed I've lost. How could you?!" Adrien fake exclaimed.

Marinette laughed it off as she and Adrien chose their players. She grabbed another cookie, munching on it as the countdown to the match started.

1 2 3. GO!

Marinette finished her cookie and started attacking Adrien's player. He fought back with struggle but was, so far, managing. Marinette called out her actions as they were being displayed on screen.

"Booyah!" Marinette cried out in success as she threw her arms up and started spinning. "I won once again." Marinette said as she stopped right in front of Adrien. Adrien chuckled and stood up.

"Let's make a bet: If I win the next round, I get to stay for dinner with your family on Friday. If I lose, I will become your personal servant for the rest of the day," Adrien explained as he got closer to her. Only then he realized exactly how close he was to Marinette. He was practically almost touching her nose with his.

Pink dusted Marinette's cheeks as she closed her eyes. Adrien felt like a need to do the same. He leaned closer, closing his eyes shut.

They were so close. So very close. Their lips centimeters away as they leaned even closer.

"Hey everything okay in here?" Came Tom's booming voice.

They yelped and jumped apart, both turning to the source of sound. They were met with Tom's guilty expression. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have barged in here. Continue on with your moment," Tom quietly said as he dismissed himself and disappeared out of the room.

Adrien couldn't even look at Marinette. Was he really about to kiss her? God, he couldn't resist the embarrassment. She probably didn't even want to kiss him. She was maybe even thankful her dad marched in! How in the world was he ever going to face Marinette? Luckily, she was the first to break the awkward silence.

When The Thunder CrackedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin