Chapter 91-100

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CHAPTER 91: The Road to Growth (4)

Wang Chenxi, Lei Xue, Ma Zhensheng, and Catkins lay motionless in a pool of blood. Sun Hao, covered in blood, was lying not far away. After the wound on his abdomen was bandaged, the blood continued to seep out.

Mi Zhehong, Fan Wei, Chen Ge, and Lei Shao, who were still struggling, were not much better. Especially Chen Ge, who was seriously injured and seemed to fall down at any time, but in order not to make the rest of the people fall into madness due to inhalation of dandelions. He knelt down on the ground, while absorbing the Yuanjing, he continued to activate the wind power.

Perhaps it was not enough to attack for a long time, and the only two mutant dandelions left suddenly changed the direction of the wind, and at the same time stimulated the ability. Mi Zhehong's complexion changed, knowing that among the two dandelion plants, one was a third-order B-level and the other was a fourth-order B-level, which was enough for them to drink a pot. If they are superimposed, the power level is comparable to the sixth-order B-level, can they still survive?

In a flash of lightning, Ye Jingyu fell from the sky, and finally received the devastating blow in time. The four people who thought they were going to die, when they saw the boss finally came back, they were so excited that they burst into tears.

"Boss, are you okay? Oh my God, why is this mutant eagle so docile. Could it be that, boss, have you contracted it?" Except for Chen Ge, who was seriously injured and unable to move, the other three immediately surrounded him.

Ye Jingyu nodded, thinking of what he saw just now, he still had some lingering fears. If I am one step behind, I can't imagine it. After taking a deep breath, he said to Wang Bing'er behind him, "Bing'er, put Jin Hui aside for now. Hurry up and see how Sun Hao, Wang Chenxi and the others are doing?"

Then, thinking of something, he immediately added: "Also, Lei Shao gave Bing'er a part of Yuanjing. No matter what, they must save their lives. You stay to help Bing'er, and the two mutant dandelions will be handed over to me." eyes. Put it on the body of the mutant dandelion.

Mi Zhehong's tensed nerves finally loosened up, and while bandaging the wound, he reminded: "Boss. Don't inhale the mutant dandelion, it contains something that can make people mad. Otherwise, Chen Ge just didn't I'll hold on until I don't want to fall down."

Ye Jingyu communicated the battle plan with the mutant eagle, and replied: "Don't worry, I am also a wind power. And there is a mutant eagle, which can let its wings fly these

things ." Eagle joined the fight. The mutant eagle can fight at high altitude, and the power level is at the peak of B-level and seventh-level. With Ye Jingyu and it joining in, the situation in the field immediately reversed. Not long after, the two mutant dandelions fell to the ground.

Take out the dandelion crystal. Ye Jingyu looked at the blood all over the ground solemnly, "Bing'er, how are they?"

"Chen Xi, Lei Xue, Ma Zhensheng, Liu Xu, Sun Hao, Jin Hui, and Chen Ge are not life-threatening, but they are seriously injured. It takes at least 7-10 days to cultivate. The rest is not a big problem, and it should be enough to rest for two or three days." After quickly checking everyone, Wang Bing'er finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Jingyu's dangling heart finally fell to the ground, "Let Feiying lead the way and guide us to a relatively safe place for the time being. Lei Shao quickly put two cars out of the space. Let's leave quickly.

" The car still didn't come in handy. Because the place where the eagle guided them was in a cellar near the grass. Judging from the green grass piled up inside. This should be the place where the pastures used to collect forage before the end of the world.

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