The way he spoke though answered her question, the look in his eyes was the same look that was there when he spoke of his first wife. He had loved her, and the green monster of jealousy took root in Esther's heart for the first time. Over the next two thousand years the monster would bloom, as she found out more and more about Cassandra.

If you ever asked Noah what the worst problem with his sisters marriage was he would tell you it was jealousy. Not just the jealousy from his sister but also from his brother-in-law, who hated the men Esther would teach.

The problem was that neither wanted to fix the problem because oddly enough they both liked the other one being jealous.



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(During the Events of Revelation 6:8)

Esther was watching the idiots (as she was currently calling them) try to figure out where the other Horsemen were. It was almost funny since they hadnt even thought to ask her about it.

She knew where each of the Horseman currently lived, she had made sure to keep up with them after her accidental run in with Kronos.

Joe was doing the research but he was doubtful "Look these guys may not even be alive."

Duncan shook his head "Well, Methos and Kronos are, under different names, different lives."

Cassandra was being impatient like the fool she was "This is pointless. We're just wasting time. We may as well go find Kronos."

Even Duncan was starting to her fed up with the woman "Oh, yeah? And starting where? If they're alive that's where he'll be going."

And Esther just watched them argue, while Joe did all the work.

"The closest I can get is a guy called Evan Caspari..Here look."

Cassandra moved forward "Thats him.. Thats Caspian!"

Esther moved forward looking at the "charming" person on the screen. Oh her husbands standards had definitely gone up over the years.

"Well what are we waiting for... Lets go!"

She tuened leaving the room a smirk on her face, because she knew she could have saved them hours worth of time. Mentally she contacted Methos "We're heading to Romania."

She recieved a message back "We're already there."


Methos opened his eyes and continued down the dark halls of the psychiatric hospital, rolling his eyes as the doctor talked about how humane they were.

Methos and Kronos felt the buzz of another immortal and moved forward waiting as the doctor unlocked the cell. Inside was Caspian who upon seeing his brothers howled with happiness, Kronos used his sword to cut through the chains that held Caspian.

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