𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 | 56

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Rosaliá was eerily quiet

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Rosaliá was eerily quiet.

The lord had noticed ever since the day before after she had taken a short patrol over the urban regions of the city, she had gone all silent.

And it was scary. Scary, because he knew when she was silent he mind was louder with thoughts and those thoughts didn't necessarily have to be the right ones. They could be ghore.

"It's okay. I will do it from here." He said making Rosaliá back off a bit as he sat down on the arm chair in his room on his own.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, finding it necessary to know what was going on in there.

"Nothing." She answered helping his crutches off of him as she kept them to a side.

"Rosa..I need to know what is going on with you." He sighed making the woman's face turn at him with a nonchalant attitude as she stood up to go fetch some water.

"What is going on with me..? Nothing."

"Even Jungkook says that you are okay but I see it. I see... how you have been busy being precarious to us all." He snapped.

"I am not being anything of that sort, Vante."

"We promised." His whisper, a heart breaking tyranny to her, Rosaliá turned to face him.

"We promised that no matter what we would be honest to each other. We are family, remember? You are my little sister." He said making Rosaliá gulp down the guilt of not considering his say.

"I went to see him."

His eyes furrowed with confusion started enlarging when he realised who the he was in this context.


Rosaliá just licked her lips in contemplation of having his wrath showered anytime now.

"You went to the royal containment centre?" His head was reeling with queries that where making his heart beat faster.

"Yes." Rosaliá accepted.

"Why would you do that?" His eyes stared at her with a silent fury of having her own self in danger by even going in there.

"I wanted to see him." She whispered softly, hugging herself as she stood there to a side.

"I felt so...," her eyes wandering off to an oblivious place, built of guilt and sadness, Rosaliá sighed as she spoke, "helpless."

"Seeing him in a room, locked up from his family...just because he wants to save them." Her tears clouding her vision, she let them fall.

"He has no freedom. He is the prisoner here when the real culprit is out there free. Liberal of his crimes. It's so," she flickered up to see Taehyung's attention on her solely, "...unfair."

"That's why we are here." He said making Rosaliá sniffle a bit as she wiped away the tearful torture.

"That's why you are here..." he added.

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