Chapter: 15

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-Nobody's POV-

The blonde and the ravenette were sitting across from each other in a coffee shop.

"Soo, why did you call me out here Lucas?" Athanasia asked. She had an iced Carmel Mocha.

"I just wanted to hang out. Y'know, talk with each other," he said. He had ordered nothing. He was starting to get a bit fidgety. He does whenever he gets nervous or anxious, which isn't usual at all.

The blonde sighed on how cautious the ravenette was being. She felt like there was no reason to, she had already forgiven him.

"Sooo, why exactly did you leave?" she asked starting a conversation knowing that he wasn't going to.

"Parents," his answer was short and cold. 

He is being so weird. Why is he acting like this.

The air was suffocating for the both of them. They have never felt this Awkward around each other before.

"Could you go more in depth?" she asked, taking a sip of her drink.

Lucas let out a sigh and complied to answer Athanasia's question. "They had gotten a job offer in America. They wanted me to tag along because I am supposed to be the next heir. I am surprised they didn't just pick fucking Luke. Since he is so much better than me," he said to her. He was getting irritated just thinking about the fight he had with his parents.

Athanasia looked at him with sympathy, "That bad? Worse than before?"

Lucas stared at her, "Yeah. I haven't talked to them since I got on the plane back to Korea, which was about 3 weeks ago. Our fight was bad. I actually have to go back next year, but I don't want to. So, I might not go."

Athanasia sighed, "I always hated your parents. They always said Luke was better than you when he was a prick. He used people for his benefit, while you actually worked for stuff."

Lucas laughed when he saw how mad she was getting when just talking about his parents. He could only imagine what it would be if they ever met again. God. It would probably be worse than the first time she met his parents.

Athanasia stopped talking and smiled as she saw how loose Lucas was starting to feel. This was the side of him she liked to see. Not his stuck-up side. Not his scared, anxious, timid side. The one that was cheerful, sweet, confident. This was the side she loved.

"How is your mom doing, Sia?" Lucas asked her.

"Well, she finally opened up a dance studio," she replied.

"That's nice. How is the flower shop coming along? Oh! Also, the tea shop. That one was my favorite!" he asked her.

His face lit up as he talked to Athanasia about her mom's shops. Those two used to always hangout at either the flower shop or the tea shop. She offered a job for him freshmen year so that he could start making money earlier. He would never be more grateful for Diana. She was like a second and better mom compared to his.

The two college students talk and talk. They stay at the coffee shop for about 2 hours just catching up on what they missed with each other and reminiscing on the past. They both left out very important questions that would probably be answered when they got closer in the near future. 

~With Athanasia in her dorm (Nobody's POV)~

Athanasia enters her dorm to see Helena on her computer working on something. If it was something it was probably a project. Helena is majoring in Performance Arts and Digital arts, if anything she is probably working on designs for Athanasia's dad's company.

"Hey Helly," Athanasia called out to her best friend. She flopped on the couch next to her.

"Hey, how was lunch with Lucas?" she asked. Her eyes still glued to the screen. 

"It was weird a first but then it got better. He was super happy when we started talking about us in middle school and freshmen year in high school. God. I forgot how cute he can be when he is happy. I missed the way he used to light up whenever something good happened. Or how happy he used to get when he saw Raven. Shit, I should take him to see Raven, then he can see my mom as well then. Yeah, I should. I love how he kept his hair long too. I think he said it was because it reminded him of the time whe"

"Are you done?" Helena interrupted Athanasia who was ranting on and on about Lucas.

"Ah, sorry," she said with a sheepish smile. 

"Athy, what is your percentage at with the two of them," she looked up at her own and saw who was at the top.


40% in love

Athanasia looked up at her counter.

Ijekiel                       Lucas

35% in love           21% in love

"Oh we have a problem," Athanasia said as she looked towards Helena.


"Ijekiel - 35%. Lucas - 21%..." she replied looking away from her best friend.

"I'm sorry!? He went up 6 precent within 2 days!? Athy at this rate you really will be 100% in love!"

"Yeah...I really need to break up with Ijekiel," she said scratching her neck.

"Mhm," Helena replied nodding.

"Don't worry I will just get Jennette with him!"


"Yup! I already know she likes him, and I think he likes her, but he just doesn't realize it yet. Then boom! problem solved. Jennette gets her crush. I get Lucas back. Then you and Cable are going to get together!"

"M-me and Cable!? What are you talking about!" Helena announced blushing.

"It's written all over your face, but before we start, I need to start trusting Lucas more so give me some time, okay? Don't pressure me Helena, just be supportive. Okay?"

"Don't worry I got you! This is why I am here!"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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