Chapter: 12

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-Lucas POV-

I walked into my room, ready to face this asshole, that is my roommate.

I walked in surprised that there was no one here actually. I walked around, and found an empty room. I set all my stuff in the room. I then heard the door open. I stayed in my room not wanting to deal with Ijekiel.

"Kiel! Are you here? We have to talk about something."

"Ana?" I said, as I popped out of the room. As soon as I heard her voice I went out of my room.

"Lucas. What are you doing here? You don't get along with Kiel that well."

"Yeah I know, your dad had this be my dorm. I think this is a part of my punishment for leaving."

"I believe it, anyways I am going to go now because Kiel isn't here."

"Wait-," I said all of a sudden. I grabbed her wrist by accident. I am not aware of why I am doing what I am doing right now.

"What Lucas? I am not in the mood to see you."

I let go of her wrist, "I am sorry. I just wanted to talk. Catch up and get to know each other again."

-Nobody's POV-

The two just stared at each other. Each with different thoughts.

I mean it wouldn't hurt.

Now the roles are reversed. I remember when I didnt want to be friends with her, but now she probably doesnt want to be friends with me.

"Look Lucas I-"

Lucas looked at her with pleading eyes, "Please? I want to go back to being Lucas and Athanasia."


"Please Sia?"

"Sia? I thought you were going to be calling me Ana?"

"I know, sorry. It's a habit."

She sighed, "I guess we can talk Lucas. Not for long. I still have to do other things."

Happiness flashed in Lucas eyes for a second, "Alright, let's go in the kitchen."

The two went to the kitchen. Lucas sat in the chair, while Athanasia stood by the counter. They kept a fair distance from each other.

"So, what do you want to talk about," Athanasia asked him.

"I don't know. What happened after I left? If it's not too touchy"

Athanasia thought to herself, but decided that it should be fine.

"After you left, it took two days for it to hit that you weren't coming back," she leaned slightly on the counter.

Lucas looked at her. He was disappointed in himself for not trying harder to convince his parents to stay.

"I didnt eat or sleep properly for like a month. Helena and my dad were really worried. My dad was pissed at you for leaving."

"Yeah I got that message," he said scratching the back of his neck.

"According to everyone else, I started to be more cold towards everyone. Even Jennette and Helena."

"I believe it. That's how you were for a bit when your mom was in the hospital."

"Speaking of my mom. Everyone was saying that my reaction from losing you was way worse. I kinda believe it, not gonna lie," she said to him chuckling a bit. Not a happy chuckle or sad one.

"Why's that Ana?"

Athanasia's heart fluttered at the way he said his reserved nickname. He said it with such comfort and care. She glanced at the floor.

"I believed it because a week or two after you left, I-I tried cutting myself."

Lucas got off his chair quickly, "You WHAT!?"

Athanasia wasn't startled one bit. She knew this was going to be his reaction.

"Don't worry Lucas," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I never actually did it. I was going to, but you kept on popping into my head telling me not to. So, I never did. So calm down."

Lucas looked at her worried. He was still suspicious though. He knew there was something she wasn't telling him.

I can't pry on it though. I just got back. I am trying to gain her trust back first.

He sat back down and she continued. "It's funny to think about. I don't think there is a day that I don't think about you Lucas. You had a spell on me when you first left. I came to terms with you leaving very slowly."

Lucas looked down at the counter.

Fuck. How could I leave her? I fucking hate this. Why did I leave her? I promised not to.

He felt some strands of his hair being lifted and played with. "Calm down Lucas. I am fine now. Dad, Mom, Jennette, Helena, and Kiel took care of me just fine."

She started to braid his hair slowly. It felt like old times to her. She was slightly stressed about the memories she had, and out of habit she started to braid his hair.

Lucas wasnt complaining about having his hair braided by her. As much as it helped her calm down, it helped him as well.

He put his elbow on the table, and put his chin on his hand for support. "I'm sorry Ana. I really didn't want to leave. My dad had got a new job somewhere else and we had to leave. He basically forced me to go with him. I really didn't want to leave."

Lucas felt his hair come back down after being messed with. He then felt arms wrap around him. "Ana?"

"Lucas. You are soooooo lucky I can't hold a grudge on you, and only you. I forgive you, but you need to earn my trust back, and with chocolates as well."

Lucas leaned into her hug, "Yes I know, thank you Athanasia."

Her heart sped up when he called her by her full name. She loved the way it came out of his mouth. She could listen to him calling her by her full name on repeat. It made her feel at ease.

The two stayed there for a while, each not wanting the other to leave. As the two were hugging they heard the door open.


Athanasia quickly let go of Lucas and turned, "Oh hey Ijekiel."

"Hi Sia," Ijekiel responded to her. Lucas clenched his jaw as he heard the nickname he gave her coming out of another guy's mouth.

Ijekiel looked at the back of the figure Athanasia was hugging, and he immediately knew who it was.



Here is a chapter since I am not doing anything, and it was already written


Word count: 1059

Chapter: 12

Date: 01/10/23

Author: Z-Chan

Next Chapter Release date: TBD


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