Chapter: 14

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 -Athanasia's POV-

I should have never invited them out with us.

Lucas and Ijekiel were currently having a stare down.

The seating was:


me                              Jennette

Helena                       Cable


I don't know why the idea even came to me! I didn't even mean to invite him, it just slipped out!

Helena taps on my shoulder, "Want me to stop them?"

I let out a sigh, "Yes. Please."

Helena looks between the two boys, "Would you guys knock it off already. You aren't children, grow up. We came to have a peaceful dinner and that is what we are going to have. Right, Athy?"

I let out another breath, "Helena is right. So, would you guys stop it already."

The two of them looked at each other again and then nodded.

~10 minutes later~

After we stopped them there was a little bit of silence for like 3 minutes, but Helena, Cable, and Jennette filled that silence.

"Lucas, what's your major anyways?" Jennette asked him.

"Fashion design and business, you?" he replied back to her.

"Dance and photography." she replied.

"You're doing fashion design?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what? Surprised?" he asked, with that cocky smile of his that I just hate, but love at the same time.

"Not really, but I thought your parents wouldn't let you. You were always sketching designs and helping pick out clothes when we were younger."

"You paid attention to that stuff?"

"Yeah of course I did! You would be surprised at how much I know on everybody, including you," I gave him a loopy smile.

"Huh," he crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair.

"Really Athy, how much dirt do you have on us?" Helena asked me.

"Well I know that when we were younger you used to crush on cable, but you denied it," I said smirking while putting my elbow on the table, just to put my hand in my palm.

"A-Athy! How did you figure that out," Helena said out loud, blushing. Blushing hard.

"I thought it was pretty obvious," I replied back.

"Oh yeah, I do remember you telling me that," Lucas responded.

"Oh, so Helena liked me, huh?" Cable said, smirking.

"Shut up," Helena said sternly but out of embarrassment.

"What other dirt do you have," Jennette asked me.

"Oh! Jennette isn't a virgin."


"Woah. Was not expecting that one," Cable said.

"Damn Jenny. Get it!" Helena said laughing.

"I know who it was with," Lucas said.

"Why do you know that Lucas! Why do you two know all of this stuff!?"

Lucas and I exchanged a look, "Secret," we both said.

"They were definitely working together," Ijekiel said.

"Wait! Who was it with Lucas?" Helena asked.

"Not saying," he said, closing his eyes and looking up at the ceiling.

I just want to say that I also know who it was with, but I don't want to tell them that.

"Also, Ijekiel doesn't like dogs," I say through the chaos. 

"I knew that," Jennette says.

"Wait you don't like dogs? That's surprising considering your girlfriend freaking has one," Helena says.

Lucas stifles a laugh. He is definitely planning something with that information.

"Well Raven would have been an accepting if he liked me. I swear Lucas brainwashed him into not liking me when we were in high school," he says glaring at Lucas.

Lucas just scoffed and looked away.

"Want something on Cable?" I asked everyone. 

"Hell yeah!" Helena replied.

I laughed, "Okay, so Cable used to have to go to a ranch when he was younger whenever he was in trouble, that's why he doesn't like horses now."

Cable blushed out of embarrassment, "It could have been anything, but that Athanasiaaaa."

"Okay, now you have to say something about Lucas!" Jennette said.

Something about Lucas that they don't know. Well, there is a lot, but a lot of them are personal.

"When we were younger, I mean like when me and Lucas first met, he wasn't cocky. He was a nervous kid. Hated the attention more than anything. He was also a coward," I said.

I looked at Lucas and he was turned the other way. He was smiling a bit. I think he was glad that I remembered something like that.

"Lucas was a coward!" Helena says.

"No, he wasn't cocky!?" Jennette says.

"Never thought he would been the kid that was nervous, that's new. I want to see that Lucas more than the one we have now," Ijekiel said.

"Oh, I bet you would, huh?" Lucas replied snarky.

"Shut up," Ijekiel said getting annoyed.

"I remember being him timid when he was younger. I find it funny on how he did a complete 180," Cable said.

"We need to have another hangout so we can have our group back together! Please? I need you two in the group again," I said pointing to Cable and Lucas. "Then I need you two to get a little better with the fighting," I said pointing to ijekiel instead of Cable now.

"I mean...It would be fun again," Jennette said,

"Yeah, I kinda miss all 6 of us together again," Helena agreed.

"I miss hanging out with the girls and Ijekiel as well, Lucas," Cable said.

Lucas and Ijekiel looked at each other, they both sighed, "Fine," they said at the same time.

"Yes!" me and the girls said. The squad is back!

This is going to be so weird now. I am going to regret this later, right?

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