601 15 5

Warnings: talks about sex, war, character death


"And den uncle Bucky showed me the horses!" Tallen exclaimed as the small royal family sat down for dinner.

King Steven had been extremely busy with the kingdom all day and had unfortunately be unable to spend time with his wife and kids. So he was greatly enjoying his son's story about how Bucky had taken him around the castle grounds.

"Oh really?" Steven chuckled.

"Yeah!" Tallen continued. "And he even said that I could wide one one day!"

"That is true. Maybe in a few days, I can take you riding?"

Tallen gasped. "Did you hear that momma?! Daddy said he'd take me widing!"

"I did," Y/N responded, sending a look to her husband. "As long as your father doesn't go too fast and is very safe."

"I would never be nothing but safe with my son. And that will give Madeline some time to spend her her mother." Steven turned and smiled at his daughter. "Would you like that?"

"Ya!" Madeline said, clamping.

Suddenly, Bucky and Sam burst into the dining room. Everyone's heads snapped to face them.

"Apologies, Your Majesties," Sam said. "But, My King, there is a pressing matter."

"Can it not wait?" Steven wondered. "I'm in the mid-"

"I'm afraid it cannot," Bucky pressed.

Y/N and Steven shared a look. This was concerning to both of them, but Y/N knew that she must stay with the children while Steven is informed of the issue. Steven stood up. He ruffled Tallen's hair and kissed Madeline's head before going to his wife.

"I'm sorry," he said softly. He kissed her forehead. "A King never sleeps."

Y/N watched as the men left. She couldn't let her mind stay on the matter for too long because she needed to distract the kids.

"Alright, children," she turned back to them with a fake smile, "who wants dessert?"


Y/N had put the children to bed and was getting ready for be herself when her husband sulked into the room. She turned in the chair she was sitting in to face him. He was upset. There had been very few times since she'd known Steven that she'd seen him like this.

"Steven," she called as he came to her, "what's wrong?"

"There's been an attack," he sighed.

"What?" She stood up, her childhood suddenly replaying in her mind. An attack was never good. "Where?"

"Everywhere. One village from each kingdom has been attacked."

"Is everyone okay? Which villages was it?"

"Y/N... it was Scott and Hope's village."

"No," Y/N gasped. "Are they alright? Please tell me-"

"Them and Cassie were some of the few survivors. Each of the villages that were attacked were left with few survivors."

"Just like my own village... How is this even possible?"

"There's this new group. They call themselves the Children of Thanos."

"How long have you known about them?" He looked away from her. "How long Steven?"

"About a year."

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