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The King of Brooklyn had been a nervous wreck, the two weeks the Princess had stayed in Wakanda. He feared that she was never going to show, never going to give him a chance. The hope that blossomed within him upon receiving T'Challa's letter that the Princess would soon be in Brooklyn, was fleeting. The nerves set in were worse than before. The King knew that he had messed up with Y/N, multiple times, and that her stay in Brooklyn would be his last chance.

King Steven's three closest friends had to keep him calm and keep the preparation running as the King worried. There was Captain James Barnes, or Bucky, who was make sure that the guards were prepared. There was Lady Natasha, James' wife, who was making sure that the place was clean and fresh flower arrangements were being prepared. Lastly, but certainly not least, there was Lord Samuel Wilson, or Sam, who was making sure the guard was prepped as well and that the meal menus looked good.

"I think I'm going to pass out," Steve stated, pacing back and forth in the entry way of his castle.

"I wouldn't put it passed your body, with the way you're pacing," Bucky responded, watching his King.

"I can't wait for the Princess to arrive at the same time we're carrying your body away," Sam laughed. "Now that would be a story to tell!"

"You boys helping Steve's nerves, or making it worse?" Natasha asked, walking into the room.

"Worse." "Better."

Natasha rolled her eyes and headed over to her nervous friend. She put her hands on his arms to get him to stop pacing and look at her.

"It will be fine, Steve," she said.

"I'm going to screw up again," he panicked, shaking his head. "I just know it."

"Steve," Natasha moved her hands to the King's face to keep his focus on her. "Breathe. There's no way you could possibly screw up again. You have so many different ideas and advantages to get her to open up to you. The Princess has never seen the sea or walked on the beach. Show her how wonderful our kingdom is."

"Your Majesty," a guard came in, "the Princess of Alexandria is approaching the gate."

The smell that filled Y/N's nostrils as she approached Brooklyn's castle was foreign to her. But it smelt wonderful. It was salty and kind of chilly. She was became more in awe, the closer the carriage got to the castle. The King's castle was built on top of and on the side of a cliff. Crystal clear, blue water was its view and there were beaches covered in white sand below. King Steven had told her Brooklyn was beautiful and, unfortunately, she wholeheartedly agreed.

As the carriage pulled up to the castle, the King and his guards were there waiting to greet her. The King rushed to the carriage to open the door and help the Princess out.

"It's so good to see you again, Your Highness," the King said, holding a hand out to help her out.

"Likewise," the Princess responded, curtly, as she ignored his hand and helped herself out.

The King sighed. He knew it was going to be hard to gain her favor, and this just proved it. "I hope the trip here wasn't too bad. The roads from Wakanda to Brooklyn can be rough."

"They were fine," Y/N responded, keeping her eyes busy at looking everywhere else but the King. From what she had seen of the castle so far, she was impressed. But she would never tell him that.

"So, I was thinking that I could introduce you to Brooklyn tonight?"

"Tonight?" Y/N finally let herself look at the King.

"Well, not to the whole kingdom," he rushed, looking a bit embarrassed. "But you told me that you've never seen the sea or beach before, so I thought that you and I could have dinner on the beach."

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