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Y/N spent the rest of the day in her tower. Her Father allowed it after she agreed to spend time with Thor the next day. She was mindlessly staring out the window when Wanda announced that it was time for dinner. As Y/N exited her tower, Loki quickly slipped into her rhythm beside her.

"Your Highness," he greeted.

"Oh!" She jumped. "You scared me, Loki."

"My apologies, Princess. I haven't seen you since our stroll, so I just thought I could escort you to dinner."

"I would love that."

Loki smiled at her response and slipped her arm through his own. It was amazing to Y/N how fast she seemed to be warming up to Loki, and even T'Challa. She always struggled with trusting people, but there was something different about the two men. Especially Loki. Where T'Challa and her had already cleared the air about courting, Loki was someone she wanted to know more of.

"What have you been to today, Loki?" Y/N inquired.

"Nothing much, Princess. I explored the grounds as well as the library. I found a few books we do not have in Asgard and have begun reading them. How was your ride with King Steven? You weren't gone as long as I thought you'd be."

"It was... good. I guess. I just... It's nothing."

Loki eyed her curiously. He really wanted the Princess to trust him. "Did something happen out there?"

"It's nothing," Y/N insisted, shaking her head.

"You can trust me, Princess," Loki whispered in her ear. Y/N had to suppress the shiver that wanted to race down her spine at his closeness. "After dinner, meet me in the gardens. You can tell me there."

All Y/N could do in response was nod. She couldn't even look at him. He was doing something to her, breaking down her walls and causing her to feel things she's never felt before. All too soon, they had reached the dinning hall. They were the last ones to arrive. Neither of them failed to notice the looks they were getting from everyone as they entered the room, Y/N on Loki's arm. Neither of them let it show. Loki escorted the Princess to her seat, pulling it out and pushing it in once she was seated, before seating himself. The dinner was full of small talk, mainly about how the different kingdoms handle certain situations. Y/N was so incredibly nervous about meeting Loki in the gardens, that she had hardly touched her food.

"Princess," T'Challa called quietly from beside her. Y/N looked up to see worry in his eyes. "Are feeling okay? You've barely touched your food."

"I'm not hungry tonight it seems," Y/N quietly responded. "Thanks for your concern though, King T'Challa."

"Always. King Steven said that he had a great time with you riding today."

"He did?" Y/N turned to look at T'Challa with a very confused expression.

"He did." T'Challa quickly took in the Princess' expression. "Did you not?"

"It's not that easy." Y/N looked back down at her plate, picking at her food once again.

"Princess Y/N," Thor's voice boomed at her from across the table. "I'm excited to spend some time with you tomorrow. I thought that we could go into the village and take a stroll there."

"Sounds wonderful," Y/N said with a smile plastered on her face.

"I was also thinking that we could have a picnic somewhere in the village."

"Great idea, Thor!" King Anthony praised before Y/N could get a word in. "I'll send a few of my best men out in the morning to find the perfect spot for the two of you."

"Wonderful!" Thor exclaimed.

"If you'll excuse me," Y/N suddenly stood up, "I'm going to turn in for the night. Sounds like I have a full day ahead of me in the morning."

"And I will escort Her Highness to her quarters," T'Challa quickly stated, standing up as well.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Y/N slipped her arm through T'Challa's outstretched one. "Good night."

A chorus of "good nights" rang out as T'Challa escorted the Princess from the dining room. Once they were a good distance away, he noticed that she let out a deep breath.

"What is it that's troubling you, Princess?"

Y/N bit her lip nervously. Could she trust T'Challa with her worries about the King of Brooklyn? She was torn. She needed to tell someone, but was T'Challa the right someone?

"This whole thing is just stressing me out," she sighed. "I'm suppose to fall in love with a stranger, within the span of who knows how long. And if I don't fall in love with anyone, then I know that my Father will pick whomever he likes best. Even if I don't like them. I just... I guess I just... I just wish that this wasn't my life." She instantly thought of her childhood, and how she was suppose to grow up. "I wasn't meant to be a Princess."

"But you are," T'Challa confidently stated as the stopped in front of her bedroom door. "You were meant to be a Princess."

"What do you know about my adoption?" The Princess questioned.

"The King sent a letter out to each of the kingdoms saying that he had found two kids in need of a home and that him and the Queen had decided to adopt them."

"So nothing about why Peter and I were in need of a home?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"It's nothing. I just didn't know what my Father had told everyone."


T'Challa was unconvinced. He carefully watched Y/N as her thoughts ran over why her Father would keep the truth from everyone. What could be so bad about how they were found that the King wouldn't tell people the truth?

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