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King T'Challa left not long after escorting the Princess to her room. Wanda was in Y/N's room to help her get ready for bed, but Y/N quickly dismissed her. Saying that she needed to be alone. Wanda left, though a bit hesitant to. Y/N quickly got dressed into a simpler dress with a hood on so that she could sneak around the castle and out to the garden. She was nervous to be meeting up with one of the Princes of Asgard alone in the garden. But it was an exciting kind of nervous.

It didn't take her long to sneak her way into the garden. When she arrived, Loki was already there waiting. He smiled at the sight of her, causing her to smile back.

"Princess," he greeted, grabbing her hand and placing a tender kiss on her knuckles. "I'm happy to see you."

"You weren't scared that I wasn't going to show up, were you?" She teased.

"You had me scared for a second there," he joked back, pulling her arm through his. "But I had faith." He beginning leading them deep into the garden. "Now, tell me what happened today with King Steven."

"He just- he's so- ugh!"

"That bad, huh?" Loki chuckled.

"He has the audacity to compare his struggles to mine! The King was born into this world, of thrones and royalty. I... I wasn't." She looked down, shaking her head. "I'm... I wasn't born into this world, wasn't meant for it. And that's probably why my Father didn't tell me about being forced into a marriage until last week... He knew I wasn't meant for it... I spent the first eleven years of my life in a small village, close to barely scrapping by. My life changed when Hydra soldiers attacked my village."

"I had no idea your village had been attacked by Hydra."

"That's not surprising. It seems my Father kept that a secret for some reason... And then there's King Steven," Y/N continued, "he doesn't understand that we are not the same... he also doesn't understand when he needs to keep his mouth shut."

"What do you mean, exactly?" Loki carefully questioned.

"I... I shouldn't say." Y/N quickly shook her head, looking down.

Loki stopped them, turning Y/N to face him. "Did he say something hurtful?"

"I really shouldn't say."

"Y/N," Loki gently put a hand under the Princess' chin and guided her head up so that their eyes met. "Did he do something that hurt you?"

"It was the night of the birthday ball... I came out here to get some air when... I really shouldn't say." Y/N pulled away and turned around. "It's not right."

"If he hurt you, you need to tell someone."

"The thing is, he doesn't even know I heard him."

"Heard him say what?"

"He said that he didn't want to meet me, another Princess who gets whatever she wants, whenever she wants..." A few tears slipped down her cheeks. "He also said, if I'm anything like my Father, he doesn't want to that in a wife. He doesn't want to be stuck with that."

"Is that why Thor and I caught you rushing out of the garden upset?" Loki stepped closer to the Princess, who simply nodded in response. "I can't believe he said anything like that. He doesn't even know you."

"I can't help but wonder if that's what everyone else thinks. Does everyone in my kingdom, do all the other kingdoms, think of me in that way?"

"No, no, no," Loki rushed around to stand in front of Y/N. His hands found their way onto her arms, carefully rubbing up and down. "Asgard has only heard great things about you, Princess, and has only ever said wonderful things about you." His hands soon found their way to her face, cupping them gently as he wiped away her tears. "I know, now that I know you, that you are even more amazing than I had ever dreamed."

"You're just saying that," Y/N whispered.

"I'm not just saying that. I don't say things like that lightly. Do you trust me?"

Y/N studied Loki's face, specifically his eyes. This was so weird to her. She's never been able to trust someone this fast. But for some reason, Y/N felt like she could trust Loki. Before she could even put together what was happening, the Princess had pressed her lips to Loki's. She went to pull back quickly after, but Loki's hands on her face kept her in place. Y/N's hands moved to hold Loki's wrists. When they finally pulled apart, Y/N didn't want to part from Loki, ever.

"I should get you back to your chambers before someone notices you're missing," Loki whispered.

"I can't have you escort me," Y/N replied. "People will be suspicious. But I can get there myself."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure," Y/N smiled before kissing Loki again. "Thank you so much, Loki."

"It was my pleasure, Princess."

Y/N tried to hold back a grin as she hurried towards the castle. Loki watched as she entered the castle, making sure she was safe, before heading back in himself.


Late that same night, out in the forest just outside the castle walls, one cloaked man waited for another. The second man arrived out of the shadows, seemingly out of no where.

"Is the plan in motion?" The man waiting asked.

"Yes," the second man answered. "The Princess will be touring the kingdoms starting next week."

"Good. And she doesn't trust King Steven?"

"She doesn't."

"Perfect. We'll take her when she's in Brooklyn."

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