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In the ballroom, the ball was still in full swing. King Anthony was getting antsy, and was ready to make the announcement so that the party could really get started. He went on the look out for his daughter and his fellow King, but neither of them were anywhere to be found. Tony soon found Captain Barnes and Lady Natasha talking with Prince Thor and King T'Challa.

"Have any of you seen my daughter?" King Anthony immediately asked. "Or Steven? I've looked for them everywhere."

"They must be together," Natasha responded, "working out their issues."

"I don't know about that," Thor said. "I haven't been able to find my brother either. The Princess could be with him."

Tony ground his teeth together. "We need to find them. Now. We have an announcement to make."

It was hard to walk to the dock through the sand and be unnoticed in that giant ball gown, but Y/N persevered. Her nerves grew less and less with each step she took. She couldn't remember how long she had stood alone on that balcony debating on what she should do. When she started down the stairs towards the beach, Y/N still didn't know if she was making the right choice. But the closer she got, the better she felt. Upon arriving on the dock, she was the only one. She went to the edge, looking over the water as the night sky was reflected into it. The Princess could really get used to seeing this everyday. Footsteps were heard, coming from behind her.

"I think that I could look at this every night," she stated as the footsteps drew closer. "Brooklyn is the most beautiful kingdom I've ever been in."

"Even more beautiful than Asgard?"

The Princess spun around to see Loki standing behind her. "Loki? What are you doing here?"

"I had the guard deliver that note so that you could sneak off. So that we can go."

"I'm sorry, Loki, but... I don't want to go anymore. I can't leave my family."

"Yes, you can," Loki practically growled. "I have prepared and we must leave. So we can be together. Don't you want that?"

"I thought I did, but now I'm not so sure. I have a duty to my kingdom and my family. I also have to give King Steven a real chance. He's messed up a few times, yes, but that doesn't mean that I should have acted the way I have. I'm sorry, Loki, but I have to stay."

"No!" Loki harshly grabbed her by the wrists. "You are coming with me! You don't have a choice." He began pulling her back off the dock.

"Let go of me, Loki!" She tried to fight him off. "You're hurting me."

"Trust me, what I'm doing will be the least of your problems once we get to where we're going."

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Help! Help! Help-"

Loki covered her mouth with his hand. "You will shut up right now, or I will make you." He removed his hand, only for her to start shouting again.

"Help! Steven, Father! Help!"

Loki quickly threw her down and kicked her face, knocking her out.

"Have you seen any of them anywhere?" Lord Wilson asked Prince Peter.

"No," Peter shook his head. With each passing minute that no one could find his sister, his worry was increasing.

"We're going to need to put a stop to this ball and send everyone home." Sam then left to tell the guards to lead people out of the castle.

As guests were escorted out of the castle, King Steven entered the ball room, clearly looking disheartened. Captain Barnes and King Anthony quickly ran up to him upon seeing him.

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