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Loki and Y/N were deep in the garden, enjoying the afternoon sun as they strolled.

"Thank you for getting me out of there, Loki," Y/N thanked.

"It seemed that you didn't like the King mentioning how you will be ruling another kingdom one day," Loki stated.

"I don't like the thought of leaving my kingdom and family behind. And the thought that my marriage is for the political gain of two kingdoms, that it doesn't matter what I want- who I want."

"I am sorry to say that I cannot fully understand, Your Highness. Since I am not the heir to the throne, I am fortunate enough to be able to have much freedom when it comes to who I marry."

"You also are a man, which makes a difference as well."

"True." Loki nodded.

"I just wish that I would have known sooner about this... just so I could have prepared myself."

"Are you saying you didn't know that this was your future?"

"Not until last week. The King- my Father had it hidden from me."

"That's unfair to you."

"He was just doing what he believed was best."

"Now wait a second." Loki quickly halted, moving so that he was in front of Y/N. "You just excused what he did. What your Father did to you was not okay."

"He was just-"

"He was just trying to hide the truth from you. To get what he wants from you."

Y/N began shaking her head. "My Father would never use me."

"Are you sure about that? He wants the best political advantage for his kingdom. Why is it that, last night, the King- your Father, spent the whole night looking for the King of Brooklyn?"

"Because they're good friends, he was probably-"

"Probably just waiting to introduce you to him. The other kingdoms have always noticed Alexandria's favoritism towards Brooklyn."

"Prince Loki, hold your tongue." Y/N stepped back from him. "You need to remember where you are. You are not in charge here... Thank you for the stroll, but I need to go."

The Princess quickly took off before Loki could say anything. Rushing to her tower. She needed some time to think. Could what Loki had said be true? Could her Father really be using her? She was in her own thoughts too much that she didn't another person in the wall. She quickly ran into a large body.

"I'm so sorry," she immediately apologized. Y/N looked up to met ocean, blue eyes. They belonged to King Steven.

"It's okay, Princess," he responded. "You seem to be lost in thought. May I ask what troubles you?"

"I'm afraid I don't know you well enough to answer that question."


"Now if you'll excuse me-" The Princess tried to get around the King.

"Actually," the King stopped her with a gentle touch of his hand to her arm, "I was looking for you. I was on my way to see if Her Highness would take a ride with me?"

"I would love to, but I'm still quite tired from last night."

"Well, can I walk you to your chambers then?"


The Princess did not want the King to know about her tower. Though she knew she should be nice to him, let him walk her, she also didn't have it in her after hearing him talk last night.

"I think that I'll be okay on my own, Your Majesty."

The King was a little taken back, but not too much. He figured she would be like this. Withdrawn and not very kind. But he knew he needed to make an effort. For Tony. For his kingdom.

"Are you sure? I promise it's not going to disrupt my day."

"I'm sure."

She swiftly walked off before anything else could be said. She made sure she passed her chambers on the way, to make it seem like she was going there. Y/N collapsed onto her bed she had up in the tower. This wasn't going to be easy, by any means. Love is something that should come naturally. Not forced upon because of laws and old traditions. Her thoughts were interrupted by footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Your Father is down there asking for you," Wanda informed as she reached the top stairs. "He's keeping his promise to not come up without permission, since you did band him a week ago. But he wants me to remind you that he will break that promise if you don't see him immediately."

"Ugh," she groaned. "Fine. Let him up."

It didn't take long for Wanda to go down and the King to come up. It was almost too quickly, like he had already started up the stairs.

"What are you doing up here?" He immediately questioned upon seeing his daughter.

"Resting," she stated plainly.

"You have guests that are seeking your attention."

"I think that, technically, they are your guests."

"They are here for you, to win you over, not me."

Y/N moved to sit up on her hands. "Don't you have the final say?"

"Yes, but-"

"Then they are your guests." She laid back down.

"Go back down and go riding with King Steven."

"I told you, I'm resting."

"You have an hour. By the end of the hour, you need to be dressed for riding. I'll have your horse prepped and ready for you."

"Really?" She quickly sat up, very defensively. "You're going to force me to do things with them now?"

"You need to get to know each of them, especially Thor and Steve. You will be required to spend individual time with them everyday."

"I thought you felt bad for forcing this on me?" Y/N stood up. "This certainly doesn't make it seem that way. And you obviously have favorites."

"I do feel bad about forcing you, and I don't have favorites. But you aren't trying that hard either."

"What do you mean? They haven't even been here for a whole day yet. You haven't the slightest idea-"

"Darling, I know that you aren't trying your hardest. I raised you."

"Did you though?" She fired back, silencing the King. She saw the hurt that flashed through his eyes, yet she continued anyway. "I was eleven with you found us. I'm pretty sure you can consider that raised by then."

"You will go riding with King Steven," her Father said through clenched teeth. "That's an order."

"An order?" Y/N was genuinely taken back. Her Father had never spoken to her like this. "Okay, Your Majesty," she mocked, giving a dramatic bow. "You can tell King Steven that I'll meet him in the barn after I change." She stalked passed her Father, to the stairs.

"Y/N..." the King tried to reach out for her, his voice more caring now.

"Don't." She pulled away from his hand. Y/N met his eyes, trying hard not to shed the tears that were building up. "I trusted you," she whispered, shaking her head. "I trusted you." Then she rushed down the stairs and to her room.

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