Chapter 8

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Jayden and I woke up extra early today to be able to get everything ready in time. After breakfast, we went to the store to get snacks and then spent the entire day cleaning the apartment and looking for board games. We eventually found them in a box in the back of the cupboard in the living room. I made the snacks look presentable and Jayden made sure that all the games were complete and that no cards, dice, or anything else was missing. We talked the entire time about how Jayden and Ryan always used to play and also made their parents play with them if they had specific games where they needed more than two players. He told me a bit about the home he grew up in and how he never imagined himself to be a teacher back then because he hated his own.

"Maybe that's exactly why you wanted to become a teacher. Because you wanted to show them how it's done." He laughed and said he would never teach at the same school that he went to and that he did not have any desire to see his old teachers. I get it. I never liked my teachers either. But I think Jayden is a good teacher. He is very understanding and constantly offers his help. His students are lucky to have him, I know I am.

As soon as we finished setting the table, we hear a knock on the door. Jayden walks through the kitchen and before he could reach his destination, Ryan already walked in with a bottle of red wine in one hand, and flowers in the other. Wow, I never would have picked him as a gentleman.

"Good evening, my friends." He greets us, with a huge smile on his face.

"Brother, patients were never your thing, were they?" Jayden jokes, and they give each other a quick hug.

"Not so much, as we both know. Amy-" He finally notices me, standing next to the table in the open dining space and starts walking towards me, with his arms widespread.

"It is nice to see you. Please don't see me as a boss tonight, ok? For the next couple hours I am not your boss, but your friend." He gives me a quick hug as well and then wiggles with his eyebrows, underlining his joke. I laugh. I don't see him as my boss anyway. I respect him, but he makes way too many jokes and already talked to me more as a friend from the first day on.

"Nice to see you, too" I greet him back. He then hands me the flowers. Lilies. I smile and then look at Jayden. I never had a 'dinner party' or whatever this is before. I am not quite sure how to behave. Jayden's eyes lock with mine and he gives me a comforting smile. Before Ryan arrived, he had asked me multiple times, if this was ok for me. Not because Ryan is my boss, but because he was afraid too much socializing would overwhelm me. I assured him every time, that I am fine with it and also actually excited. But now, I feel a little uncomfortable. Not because of Ryan, or Ryan and Jayden together, I just don't know what to do. Jayden opens his mouth and is about to say something, when Ryan claps his hands together and turns around, facing his brother again.

"So, when are we ordering dinner? I'm starving."

About 40 minutes later, we all sit at the dinner table together, eating Greek food, Ryan tells me a bunch of hilarious stories about Jayden when he was younger and Jayden gets revenge, by telling me all the stories about Ryan being rejected by women. I am having a great time and the uncomfortable feeling from before has completely vanished.

"Well, I must admit, I was enjoying female company a little too much throughout my life." Ryan laughs and then looks at Jayden with a little bit of a serious expression. Normally I would think he is just getting ready to make a joke again, but something about his face tells me, that he is actually being serious.

"But I hope this is all going to change from now on." What does that mean?

"What does that mean?" Jayden speaks my mind.
A huge grin appears on Ryan's face and he smiles from ear to ear.

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