Chapter 3

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The drive from the hospital to Jaydens apartment is about fifteen minutes. I try to take as much of the way in as possible since I will probably be going that way much more often in the next couple of weeks. Or months. Who knows?

Jayden is focused on the road, and we don't talk much. It is not an uncomfortable silence though. It's more... peaceful. I always enjoyed being driven by someone rather than driving myself. I tend to get lost in my thoughts a lot, so it is much safer for everybody involved for me to be in the passenger seat. Lazy, I know.

As we arrive, Jayden grabs my bags and leads me to the front door of a big but not intimidating looking building. It is not as huge as the ones right in the centre of Philadelphia. I think this one could suit about five, maybe six families. He opens the front door and walks over to his right to collect his mail. Then we step into the elevator and step out again on the top floor. Here are only two apartments. One at the left and one at the right. Jayden leads me over to the one on the left as he is looking for the right key. When he locks the door to his apartment, I am not surprised at all by how clean it is. I don't think he especially cleaned it for me, I am convinced it is always like that. A small smile forms on my lips by that thought.

"Come in. Make yourself at home. It is nothing big, I know, but I've grown to like it." He puts my bags on the kitchen island and looks at me. I am still standing in the doorway, taking it all in. Right in front of me is the living room and to my right is an open kitchen with olive cabinets. The left wall is almost completely covered with bookshelves and in the back is a staircase. I look up and see an open space with a small drawer and a kingsized bed. There is no railing that would stop you from falling down. Underneath the 'bedroom' – right next to the living room – is a desk with a lamp and a small cabinet.

"You ok?" I am still frozen in the doorway with an open mouth, completely astonished by his apartment. It is not huge, as he said, but so open and... comfortable.

"It's beautiful," I say, slowly stepping in.

"Well, I don't know about beautiful. But it's practical." I grin. Such a typical thing to say for men.

"I mean it. It is amazing, really. Thank you so much again for letting me stay." My hundreds 'tank you' earns a fake frown and I scrunch my nose at him.

"I'll just go change real quick. Make yourself comfortable on the couch or something. You can also watch television if you'd like." He smiles and then takes the stairs to his 'bedroom'. I sit down on the couch and grab the jumbo knitted blanket. It is not necessarily cold, but blankets just make everything way more comfortable. Even in the summer. I already feel awfully comfortable in this apartment. But that is not a surprise considering how homey everything looks. He even has a couple of plants.

I try to keep my eyes on the first floor. Since there is nothing that hinders the vision to the 'second floor' so I don't want to risk watching Jayden while he changes. Within minutes he is back down and makes himself comfortable on the couch next to me.

"You can sleep in my bed by the way. I... I mean... I will stay on the couch of course." His cheeks flush red and he breaks eye contact.

"What? No, don't be ridiculous. I am fine with the couch, seriously. You already let me stay here, I won't drive you away from your bed."

"It's fine, Amy. You have been through enough in the past few days. Please take my bed. I insist." I smile. He is really kind.

"Fine, thank-"

"There is no need to thank me." He waves it off. As usual. I playfully roll my eyes as he grabs the remote and turns on the television. I tell him I don't mind watching whatever he likes to watch and since some basketball match is on anyways, he decides to watch that one. I didn't even realise how tired I was until I drift off to sleep just a few minutes into the game.

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