they all agreed, picking up all the wrappers they had thrown across the room and putting them in a small bin jihoon had in his room.

"i'll go change into my pyjamas and i'll be back soon." jeongwoo said, grabbing his bag and walking out of the room towards the bathroom.

when he returned, everyone was also changed and ready to play as they were already seated in the circle.

"you guys changed?" he said, sitting down next to junkyu. "yup. we just decided to all change here because we're all men, we've all seen each other shirtless and no one is actually taking off their underwear so it's fine." mashiho said, smiling as jeongwoo scoffed lightly.

"can i have my phone please? it's like 9.30 already." doyoung said, whining and pouting slightly at hyunsuk. "it's already dark outside! and i haven't taken any photos."

hyunsuk giggled at the younger before grabbing the box and passing it to doyoung. "grab your phone and pass it to the next person."

the box went round before it came to haruto, where he grabbed his phone and huffed out as he passed it to jeongwoo.

jeongwoo looked at him confusedly before grabbing his phone and passing the box on to junkyu.

is he ok?

he looked at the older in the darkness of the room before he was cut off from his thoughts by yoshi banging a plastic bag in the middle of the circle.

"surprise! i have drinks!" he said happily, everyone cheering out before reaching to grab a bottle or two.

"wait! wait-" hyunsuk said, reaching out a hand to stop junghwan from grabbing a bottle. "no drinking for you junghwan. neither you jeongwoo, ok?"

junghwan quickly nodded, moving back into his original position, but jeongwoo sent a pout in hyunsuk's direction, and was sent a glare in return.

he huffed out and slumped back into his original position on the ground, glaring at junkyu who was giggling slightly beside him.

"haruto and doyoung, you're not supposed to be drinking..." hyunsuk said slowly as doyoung took a sip from the bottle in his hand.

"doyoung won't drink much and haruto always drinks and has a high tolerance. they'll be fine hyunsuk." jihoon said, grabbing hyunsuk's hand.

the older hestitated slightly before nodding. "ok. but don't go over the top because you have high tolerance, ok ruto? you too doyoung." doyoung nodded at him, taking another sip from his drink and smiling, and haruto laughed quietly and nodded.

"why can't i drink though?! they're underaged like me! dobby never goes out to drink how is that fair?!" jeongwoo said, shaking his arms around. *here i used that they can drink from the age of 18*

he felt someone grab his wrist and he looked up to see haruto gently moving his arms down. "careful- you nearly whacked my face-" he said, smiling slightly.

jeongwoo looked at him for a few seconds, attempting to hide his red cheeks from embarrassment before shaking his head slightly and apologising, looking back at hyunsuk and jihoon.

hyunsuk looked at him hesitantly. "maybe. i'll think. but you're barely older than junghwan and junghwan is for sure not drinking." jeongwoo huffed out again, slumping down.

"if you want i'll give you a bit of mine." haruto whispered, making jeongwoo jump slightly from surprise.

"really?" jeongwoo said, looking at the boy next to him. "mhm" the older whispered, nodding and smiling. jeongwoo smiled happily and turned away.

"you're already done?!" yedam shouted out suddenly. "mashiho!" he exclaimed as mashiho giggled and put down his bottle. "i'm a king with drinking after all~" he said, shaking his head slightly and putting his hand down beside him to steady himself.

"mashi you're already kind of drunk-" yedam said as re he took the new bottle mashiho had grabbed and put it next to him. "no more drinking you'll pass out."

"no! i'll be fine~" mashiho said, putting an arm on yedam's shoulder and smiling at him.

yedam sighed slightly and patted his head. "if you prove that you're not drunk, i'll let you drink, ok?" mashiho nodded in response, sitting up straight and looking at everyone else.


i cut this chapter in half and it continues immediately in the next one. it would have been way too long if i didn't lol

also i made like a thingy showing who's sitting where so u know and it's not too confusing :)

also i made like a thingy showing who's sitting where so u know and it's not too confusing :)

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