Chapter Thirty-Three

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SEATTLE, WA. January 28th, 1991.

It's been a few days since the incident that occurred and Aurora can't help but feel bad that she hasn't spoken to Tom since.

After all, Aurora believes what happened was her fault. 

"We're going to that barn again, you're welcome to come with." Dave offers as he takes the car keys off the counter and puts them into his jacket pocket.

As much as Aurora wants to go with Dave, she desperately wants to set things right with Tom.

"I was actually thinking of talking to Tom." Aurora states as she keeps her eyes focused on the coffee she's making, "If that's okay with you of course." She then adds, looking up to Dave.

Dave gulps, before walking over to Aurora.

"Yeah, it's fine, Aurora. You don't need to ask me for permission." Dave states, "Besides, you guys are old friends, I have nothing to worry about." Dave adds.

"I know, it's just that I thought you might be uncomfortable with what happened." Aurora explains, "No, no. It's fine." Dave reassures, quickly giving Aurora a peck on the cheek.

"I gotta run, but I'll be back in time for when we usually have dinner." Dave states, walking to the door, "Unless you want me to cook tonight?" He then asks, stopping in his tracks to look at Aurora.

"No, I can cook tonight." Aurora says, smiling over to him.

"Okay, love you." Dave says as he opens the door.

"Love you too, bye." Aurora says, and Dave waves before closing the door behind him.

After Aurora had finished her coffee and had her breakfast, she went to the phone and dialled Tom's number.

He'd given it to her for future, it now coming in more handy than ever.

After a few rings, Aurora hears a raspy voice on the end of the line, "Hello?" Tom asks groggily, and Aurora assumes that he's just woken up.

"You never did wake up early, did you?" Aurora asks, chuckling, "Not then and definitely not now." Tom states, and Aurora can imagine him smiling.

"Listen, I was hoping we could talk." Aurora says, a tad bit of seriousness in her voice.

"Yeah, of course." Tom says, "Where would you like to meet?" He then asks.

"You remember that café we went to a more few days ago?" Aurora asks, hoping he remembers, "Yeah, it rings a bell." Tom states, "Well, would you like to meet there for lunch?" Aurora asks, "Yeah, sounds good." He answers.

The two say their goodbyes and Aurora gets changed before patiently waiting for 12:00pm to roll around.

Eventually, those few hours pass and Aurora finds herself sitting outside of a café, waiting for Tom to arrive, and after a few minutes, he does.

"Hey." Tom says as he pulls out a chair directly across from Aurora.

"Hi." Aurora says simply.

"So..." Tom trails off, not knowing how to begin the conversation.

"Dave was obviously a little hurt, as you might have collected." Aurora begins, "And I want to be friends with you, I do, but it can't be like it was back in Highschool." Aurora then states firmly.

"What do you mean?" Tom asks, shifting his position in his chair slightly.

"We can't be as close as we used to be." Aurora states, and Tom gulps, knowing that perhaps sleeping in the same bed as a taken woman had crossed a line.

"I have a boyfriend now, and he makes me happier than anything else in the world." Aurora states, "I have great friends and I'm working hard to get a good job." She then states, "I have a new life now and it's far better than what it was a few years ago."

Tom nods slowly, "Okay so, what do I have to do to be friends with you?" He then asks, "I miss our friendship." He added.

"We just can't be as close as we used to be, I'm sorry." Aurora states, "We can't stay over at each other's houses, spend everyday together because we both have lives." She added.

"I miss our friendship too, but I don't think we could ever be how we used to again." Aurora says truthfully.

Tom nods, understandingly.

"So, we're all good. Right?" He then asks.

"Of course, but you're going to have to meet Dave one day so he doesn't think you're a douche." Aurora states simply.

"I'm down, from when I saw him he looked like a cool guy." Tom said, and Aurora laughed. "Yeah, he looked like a cool guy standing in the bedroom doorway staring at you profusely." Aurora states, and Tom chuckles.

Aurora feels a mass amount of weight lifted off of her as she cleared the air between her and Tom.

Maybe they could be good friends again?

But one thing is for sure, they could never go back to how they used to be years ago.

Though it's not until days later the mass amount of weight lifted off of Aurora has been pushed back onto her, when someone she least expects re-enters her life.

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