Chapter Two

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OLYMPIA -> SEATTLE, WA. September 22 1990.

Aurora opens her door to find Kurt standing on the small deck, scratching the back of his next slightly. "Ready?" He asks, and Aurora nods before walking back inside and grabbing her kit, having to unscrew some of it due to the space in the car. Kurt helps her carry her stuff to the car, and she helps him with his stuff. Eventually though, they fit both Kurt and Aurora's things into Kurt's blue 1965 Dodge Dartand and begin the journey to Seattle.

"You seem nervous..." Kurt states, and Aurora chuckles slightly as if to ease the tension.
"Maybe just a little, I haven't played live in a while, Kurt." Aurora admits, "And I haven't played your songs in a while." She then adds.
"If you play like I usually hear you do, you'll do great and it'll sound awesome as a whole." Kurt states. "Thanks." Aurora says, still feeling a little pressured by this last minute invitation. Aurora could've declined it, but she would've felt guilty instantly if they couldn't perform.

"I'll need to warm up a bit." Aurora says.
"That's alright. We can do a few songs if you want?" Kurt asks.
"That'd make me feel better." Aurora states.

Kurt looks over to her from the road, "I'm sorry this is all so last minute." He says, "I can tell you're pressured by this."
"Kurt, if anything I owe you for how many times I've pounded at my drum kit in the late afternoon." Aurora admits, and the two both laugh together.

The trip went quicker than Aurora would've expected, this was probably due to how the two spent the ride together chatting, and getting to know each other better. They really just shared where they grew up, and how they got to where they are now. But, they both didn't go into much detail, as they both sensed it was a deep topic. The two also talked about Nirvana's new drummer, Dave, and where he's from and how Kurt has a high regard of him.

Kurt and Aurora bring their things into the Motor Sports International Garage where they are playing at, starting with Kurt's amps and guitar. Then, they moved onto to Aurora's drum kit, assembling it, and just as they finished a fairly tall man walked in with a guitar case in his hand.

"Krist, this is Aurora. She'll be filling in for us today." Kurt says as he jumps down from the stage and raises his hand to Aurora who stand behind her kit. Aurora moves around her kit and to the front of the stage.

"Hey, I'm Krist." The man introduced himself, holding his hand out to her to shake, and she does.
"Nice to meet you." Aurora says with a smile on her face.
"Kurt told me that you've played with him before. It's good to know that we'll have someone familiar with our songs." Krist says, and Aurora smiles.
"Alright well I'm gonna set up my stuff." Krist says, putting his guitar case on the stage.
"We're gonna do a few songs for the sound check so Aurora can get back into the groove." Kurt says, and Krist nods, before walking back outside, presumably to his car.

After around ten minutes, Krist had finished setting up his amps and guitar, and the group began their sound check, starting with Stay Away.

Kurt and Aurora once had a little jam session, where Aurora was eager to learn Kurt's songs, and he did show the majority of his songs, and taught her how to play them on drums. Even though Kurt isn't a drummer, he still knows how to play the songs. Perhaps it's because he's heard it so much, or he actually came up with the drumming himself and their original drummer, Chad Channing, made it his own. This whole learning process took weeks, maybe even a month or two, but Aurora got the hang of it eventually, and the two sounded great even without a bass.

Aurora picks up her sticks, and it's like the equivalent of picking up iron weights. She hasn't drummed in a while, and now the concern is starting to hit her more than it did before. Though she pushes the bad thoughts to the back of her mind and looks over to the kit which sit in-front of her.

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