Chapter Three

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SEATTLE -> OLYMPIA, WA. September 23 1990.

Aurora and Dave had spent the whole trip from Seattle to Olympia talking about their lives, and it turns out they have a lot in common. They both spent their childhood surrounded by music, teaching themselves how to play guitar and drums. The two were in several bands during their childhood and they both like the same music, and share the same love for drumming, which is obvious.

'Never Tear Us Apart' by INXS is played through the speakers of the car as Aurora and Dave pull up in-front of the little blueish, greyish house.

Aurora glances at the time, and it's after 1:00am. "I really don't feel like taking my kit up right now. Can we do it after?" Aurora asks, "Yeah, sure." Dave says. Aurora glances over to the back of the car. There is a massive box, which she assumes is his drum kit, and a singular duffel bag. As-well as her drum kit disassembled all over the place.

The two both get out of the car, Dave taking his bag from the back seat, and they walk along the concrete pathway leading up to house. Aurora takes out her keys from under a pot plant and walks up the stairs. "That's Kurt's apartment." Aurora states, pointing to his door, "And this is my apartment." Aurora states, unlocking her door and opening it. She walks in and flicks on the light beside the door. Dave quickly cleans off his shoes on the doormat and follows her, examining the house.

When coming home you would expect to be comforted by what lays around you, but Aurora is far from being comforted. The wallpaper is peeling, some of the floorboards are coming out and sometimes the water doesn't come out of the taps.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Aurora says, putting her hands on her hips and examined the house.

"Sorry about the floorboards, some of them are coming out. The wallpaper is also dodgy." Aurora states, "Plus sometimes the water doesn't come out of the taps in the kitchen and bathroom. The shower is fine, but the sinks aren't at times. But, if you need a drink just go over to Kurt's and pour yourself a drink. Unless, you'd like to pour yourself a drink from the shower." Aurora finishes.
Dave chuckles, "I'll just pop over to Kurt's." He states, continuing to look around.
"I'll give you a tour." Aurora states as she chucks her keys on the table.

Aurora begins to give Dave a tour of her tiny apartment, that miraculously holds two tiny bedrooms, a singular bathroom with a small shower, and a kitchen and living room that intersect.

"This is the living room." Aurora states from where she is. She then walks forward, Dave following.

"This is the kitchen, and there's the door to the shared back yard." Aurora states as she stands in the kitchen.

She walks back through the living room and to her bedroom, "This is my room." She says, pointing to the closed door, "Your room is there." She states, pointing to the door next to her bedroom.

"And lastly there's the bathroom just over there." She states, pointing to the door past Dave's bedroom.
"I also don't have a washing machine, I usually just walk down the road to the laundromat." Aurora states, and Dave nods, still examining the apartment.

Aurora opens the door to the room that is now Dave's.
"It's not much but you've got a bed frame, mattress, bedside table and small dresser." She says, pointing to each belonging.
"It's enough, thanks a lot Aurora." Dave says as he chucks his bag on his bed, "This is far better than spending months on Kurt's couch." He admits, and the two chuckle.

"If you ever get hungry just help yourself." Aurora states, "But if there's nothing there just raid Kurt's fridge. His key is under his doormat." Aurora explains. "Thanks." Dave says, "Trust me this is much better then living off a three-for-ninety-cents corn dog special at the gas station across the road." Dave then states, "That would put me off corn dogs forever." Aurora chuckles at his statement.

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