Chapter Five: Repercussions

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Christopher and Naona peered out the window. A herd of cucksters roamed the street. The sky was gray as rain fell from the clouds. "Jesus fuck. What do we do?" Asked Christopher. "I guess we just wait it out." Naona told him. The sound of growling filled their ears. One of the cucksters turned and spotted them in the window. "Shit! Get down!" Naona whispered urgently. They ducked beneath the windowsill. "You think it saw us?" Asked Christopher. "I don't know. Let's get upstairs." Said Naona. They ran up the stairs with their heads down, hoping the cucksters wouldn't see them. They ran into the bedroom and looked out the window, down at the herd. "Fuck." Christopher said. But then they heard an engine coming from one of the other houses. Suddenly, a pink dirt bike emerged from the backyard of the house across the street from them. Riding it, was Ella and Nick. They rode down the street, away from the cucksters. "Holy shit!" Naona exclaimed. The herd began following them. They kept driving, leading the cucksters away from the neighbourhood.

"Oh my god... oh my god..." Kiefer was saying to himself in a panic. He dropped the blood covered hammer onto the ground. He knelt next to Tyson and grabbed his wrist. "Tyson! Tyson, wake up! Please wake up!" He yelled. He could just barely feel Tyson's pulse. His lip began to quiver. "No no no. Don't die. Don't die." Kiefer cried. He heard an engine outside the garage door. He ran over to the door and looked out the small windows in the top of it. The cucksters were following a dirt bike down the street. After all the cucksters were gone, Kiefer opened the garage door and picked Tyson up. He walked out onto the street. Christopher and Naona came out of a nearby house. "Holy shit!" Christopher yelled when he saw Tyson "What the hell happened to him?" Kiefer's eyes filled with tears. "I- I did this to him." He said quietly. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Christopher shouted. "There's no time for this!" Naona said "We need to get him to Halle." They ran around the neighbourhood, looking for a working car. Carrying Tyson all the way back to the camp wouldn't work. "Over here!" Christopher called them. He found an old Hatchback next to one of the houses. They dumped Tyson on the backseat and Kiefer sat next to him. Naona got behind the wheel and Christopher sat in the passenger seat. Naona stepped on the gas and drove the car back to Cuckluck Acres.

Naona, Christopher, and Kiefer drove Tyson back to Cuckluck Acres. They arrived at the gate. Ryan and CJ opened it respectfully. "Halle!" Christopher shouted, getting out of the car. Halle came running over. Naona and Christopher pulled Tyson out of the back seat and brought him into Halle's house. "Where do we put him?" Asked Naona. "Just put him on the table I guess. What happened?" Halle asked. They laid Tyson down on the kitchen table. Kiefer walked up behind them, looking awkward and nervous. "Fucknuts over here hit him in the head with a hammer." Christopher said irritably. "Where are Nick and Ella?" Asked Ryan, stepping through the front door. "We got attacked by a herd in the neighbourhood. They took a dirt bike to lead the cucksters away." Naona told him. "Can you help him?" Asked Christopher. "I'll try." Said Halle. "C'mon guys, let's get out of her hair." Said Ryan, leading everyone out of the house.

Tyson slowly opened his eyes. He was looking up at the ceiling of Halle's kitchen. His head was throbbing in pain. His vision was blurry. He touched his head gently and felt a bandage. "Hey, you're finally awake." Halle said, standing next to the table. Tyson tried to sit up but the pain was too much. "Fuck!" Tyson groaned, laying back down. "You'll have to take it easy for a little while." Halle told him. "So, you think I'll make it?" Tyson asked. "You can do anything if you believe in yourself." She said inspirationally. "Okay, well-" Tyson began to say something but he was cut off by more inspirational quotes. "Let your smile change the world. But don't let the world change your smile." Halle said in a dramatic tone. "Okay, can I leave now?" Tyson asked. "If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." Said Halle. "Alright, I'm leaving." Said Tyson, getting up and walking out the door. He walked right into the doorframe and hit his head. "Ow! What the fuck!" Tyson said "That looked like it was beside me. How did I walk into it?" Halle looked at him solemnly. "You took a hell of a hit. You're... you're blind in one eye." She told him.

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