Chapter Six: Meanwhile at Sanctum

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Leah stepped off of her horse. She was wearing yoga pants under her cloak. The other three girls revealed their faces. There was a girl with pigtails and braces named Emily, a girl with a bitchy looking face named Ally, and a girl with dark skin and glasses named Brooke. Leah walked past the pile of dead bodies she and the other girls had created and stood in front of Kiefer and CJ. "So, I guess we aren't the only ones being fucked in the ass by Devin." She said. "You guys know Devin too?" Kiefer asked. "Of course we do. You didn't think you were the only group he stole from, did you?" She asked "How do you think he got so many resources?" "Leah, we aren't going back with these random guys, are we?" Ally whined. "Omg, shut up Ally, lmao." Leah said, rolling her eyes. Kiefer and CJ knew this would be a very long day. They picked up their backpacks and strapped them to their legs. They immediately tripped and fell on their faces. "Shit!" Kiefer exclaimed. "C'mon, we don't have all day." Leah said, climbing on to her horse. "This is Everette, by the way." She said, patting the horse's neck. "Where are we going, exactly?"Kiefer asked. "Back to our camp. We're staying at a farm with horses everywhere." Leah told them. She put her rifle on her back and held the reins of the horse. CJ suddenly had a look of realization on his face. He pulled out a revolver and aimed it at the girls. "Where'd you get the guns?" He questioned. "What?" Leah asked nervously. "Devin took all of our rifles and the gun store hadn't been looted yet. So, where did you get the guns?" He asked accusingly. Leah looked down and smiled slightly. "Okay, you caught us." She began "We used to work for Devin. He made us think he was a nice guy, that he was protecting us. But we've seen the things he's done. We escaped his camp and stole some of the guns from the armoury." CJ lowered his gun. "Can we go now?" Asked Emily. "Yeah. Let's go." Leah said. Kiefer hopped on to Leah's horse and CJ hopped on to Brooke's. Kind of like when Kennedy hops onto a dick.

Devin was laying next to the melted creamsicle he thought was Madison. He had just finished having sex with it. "You know, you've been really quiet lately. And you're so cold." Devin said to the creamsicle. "Something's different about you." Devin added. Suddenly, Ashton opened his door. "Boss, we have a problem." Ashton said. Devin got up and they walked into his office. Devin sat down on the big leather chair behind his desk. "What's up?" He asked. "A bunch of our men have been fucking slaughtered." Ashton said with anger in his voice. "What? Where?" Devin asked. "Some town nearby." Ashton responded. "Was it those fuckers at Cuckluck Acres again?" Devin asked. "We sent some scouts to check and it seemed like almost everyone was still there. The only two people we didn't see were Kiefer and CJ. But there's no way  two people could take down twenty of our guys." Ashton explained. Devin suddenly punched his desk out of anger. "Cunts!" He yelled "It must've been those fucking horse birches again! We need to find their camp and put a stop to those shmucks!" Janazi entered the doorway, looking ready for some pleasure. "Ashton, I'm so horny!!!" She cried. Ashton got up and they both sprinted back to their bedroom. Devin walked out of his office and down the stairs of the factory. He stepped outside and saw dozens of soldiers shooting at targets. They were training in a large yard covered in dead grass in front of the factory. "Attention!" Devin yelled. The soldiers all immediately stopped what they were doing and saluted toward him. Ashton appeared behind Devin. "You guys are done having sex already?" Asked Devin. "Janazi has aids again, so she's just gonna masturbate." Ashton explained. Devin had a strong urge to hang himself. He began speaking to the soldiers once again. "I need you all to go find Leah and her gang of cunts and kill them all!" Devin ordered them. A black soldier named Mark stepped forward. "Sir, I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. They have a lot of fire power. They would no doubt be able to take out at least a few of us." Mark said. "Who the fuck put this nigger in charge?" Asked Ashton. Devin looked at him angrily. "I told you not to use that word. It's bad enough you have a fucking swastika on your neck." Devin whispered to him. "Hey, I'm just living that Neon Nazi life!" Ashton explained. "Listen, sir, I just really think that-" Mark continued as Ashton cut him off again. "Yo, why don't you shut yo ass up, homie?" Ashton mocked him in an over the top black person voice. Devin grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and held him close to his face. "You are on some mighty thin ice here, boy." Devin threatened him. "Let go of me." Ashton said, trying to sound tough. Devin pushed him backwards and let go of his collar. All of the soldiers looked up at them with confusion and concerne. "So, what's the plan?" Asked Mark.

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