Chapter Three: Sick

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Halle mixed the fungus up with some kind of medicinal liquid and poured it into a needle. "Okay. It's done. Now comes the hard part." Halle announced. "Hard part? I thought that was the hard part." Nick said, confused. "We still need to find someone to test it on." Halle told them. "Shit test subject 13?" Asked Tyson. "Choosing who to test it on will be up to you. But just know that this could kill them. Assuming the initial injection works, they'll still need to be bitten by a cuckster to know if it works as a vaccine." Halle said. "Well fuck. We just have to sacrifice someone?" Asked CJ. "Like I said, I'll leave it up to you to decide who." Halle said. A little while later, Kennedy woke up from her anesthesia. She looked around the room and rubbed sleep from her eyes. "Hey... was it a success?" She asked groggily. "Yep. How are you feeling?" Halle asked her. "I'm... okay. My head kinda hurts." Kennedy responded. "Yeah that'll happen after it gets cut open with a buzzsaw." Halle replied sarcastically. They all walked out of the hospital together and began heading back toward the camp. Everyone was silent. They were all thinking about the same thing. None of them wanted to kill some innocent person. The apocalypse had certainly changed them, but they weren't that far gone yet. They kept walking down the road in silence until they finally reached the gates of Cuckluck Acres. "They're back!" Christopher shouted. Ryan and Christopher stood outside the gate with their rifles. They opened the gate and the whole group walked inside. "It's so great to have you back!" Ryan exclaimed "And it looks like you brought some new friends!" They introduced Nick, Halle, and Ella to Ryan and the others. Kiefer and Cora emerged form their house and joined everyone near the gate. "Hey guys! This is Cora!" Kiefer said happily. "Hi..." Cora said in a shy tone. They all greeted each other and Halle talked about the cure and everything that happened at the hospital. CJ grabbed Tyson by the arm and pulled him aside from everyone else. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" CJ whispered. "What?" Asked Tyson. "Cora." He said. "What about Cora?" Tyson asked, confused. "I think we found our test subject." Said CJ.

Everyone sat around the picnic tables, having a celebratory lunch. CJ had decided to put that coffee that he and Tyson had found at Buckaroo's Diner to use. Cora even offered to help him make it. "We are not doing that!" Tyson whispered angrily. "Look, I get it. But we have to choose someone. It may as well be the random girl we don't know!" CJ argued. Tyson fell silent, thinking of the best course of action. He knew it wasn't right to potentially murder some innocent girl, but CJ had a point. It had to be done to someone. CJ, Cora, and Matteo brought out the coffee and passed it around. "Oh, no thanks. I don't like coffee." Tyson said. Halle and Ryan rejected the coffee as well, as they also strongly disliked it. "That's okay, I don't really like it either! Teehee!" Squeaked Cora. Everyone else gulped it down, saying how delicious it was and how much they had missed it. It seemed to put everyone in a good mood. Cora and Kiefer sat next to each other. Tyson noticed they seemed to be holding hands under the table. They got tired of holding hands and Cora started jacking Kiefer off. Tyson looked away and continued eating his food. "So? What do we do?" CJ asked him. "I don't know." Tyson replied irritably. Halle walked over to them and sat down. "Have you made a decision yet?" She whispered curiously. "No, not yet." Tyson replied, looking over at Cora. He didn't even know her. He couldn't just inject her with some strange fluid against her will and possibly kill her. Could he?

Kiefer sat down on his couch. Everyone had finished lunch and coffee a few hours ago. It was great to have some time to just relax and not have to worry about anything, but everyone knew that it wouldn't last for long. Kiefer heard a loud knock on his door. He opened it. It was Halle. Halle didn't realize he opened it so she kept knocking and accidentally punched Kiefer in the face. "Fuck!" Kiefer exclaimed. "Oopsies." Halle said cuckily. "What are you doing here?" He asked, sitting back down on the couch. He had seen Halle at the lunch and knew she was a nurse, but that was pretty much the extent of his knowledge of her. "I just thought it would be a good idea to go around meeting everyone in the community." She told him. "So you're staying here?" He asked. "Yeah, for the next little while anyway. I can't speak for Nick and Ella though." She said. There was an awkward silence for a moment. "So... I have something I think we should talk about." She said finally. "What's that?" Kiefer asked. "Well, I haven't told anybody else this because Tyson wanted me to keep it a secret. But you're his brother and I figured you have a right to know." She said. She was going to tell him that they might have found a way to make a vaccine. It looked like Kiefer was sweating. She assumed it was because he was excited to hear the secret. But then chunky, brown vomit flew out of his mouth. It splattered all over the footstool in front of the couch. "Holy shit! What's wrong?" Halle screamed, jumping up from the couch. Kiefer continued puking all over the living room. The white carpet turned a sickly orange colour. "Oh fuck!" Halle exclaimed in shock. She glanced out the window and saw Kennedy stumbling down the street. Kennedy suddenly doubled over and hurled all over the sidewalk. "What the hell is going on?" Halle asked herself.

Tyson was sound asleep in his bed. It was his first decent sleep in a while. Every night he was filled with guilt. He couldn't get the image of Riley's dead body out of his head. He could still taste her blood in his mouth. But tonight was different for some reason. Tonight, he had other things on his mind. But he was so exhausted from his supply run, he fell asleep the second he got into bed. Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. He groggily sat up and walked downstairs. He was wearing nothing but his underwear but he was too tired to get changed. He opened the door and saw Halle in a panic. "What?" He asked. "Did you drink any of the coffee at lunch today?" She asked frantically. "No. I hate coffee." He told her. "Okay. Good. Come with me." She said, grabbing hold of his wrist. "What? Why?" He asked in confusion. She didn't respond. She just pulled out him down the street, over to the park where they had lunch. The night air was freezing cold on Tyson's bare skin. He was still in his underwear. When they arrived at the park, Tyson couldn't believe his eyes. Everyone in the community were laying on small beds that were scattered around the park. They were drenched in sweat. Most of them were throwing up into buckets next to their beds. The only one who wasn't sick was Ryan. He was carefully tending to the sick individuals. He wiped their foreheads with cloths, handed them their buckets when they needed to puke, and held water bottles up to their mouths so they could drink. He spotted Tyson and Halle. "Tyson! I'm so glad you're alright! There's some kind of sickness going around." Ryan told him. Tyson looked shocked. "What the hell happened here?" He asked. "Well, it seems like everyone who drank the coffee at lunch has some kind of food poisoning. And we can't find Cora." Ryan told him. "Cora didn't do this!" Kiefer shouted from his bed, overhearing their conversation. "She was helping me make the coffee at lunch." Ryan whispered so Kiefer wouldn't hear "She must've slipped something into it while I wasn't looking." Halle ran over to Nick who was beginning to choke on his own vomit. She turned him onto his side so he could puke onto the ground. "So, what exactly did she slip into the coffee?" Asked Tyson. "Beats me. Halle's been trying to figure that out but we just aren't sure." He said. Kiefer started coughing loudly. Ryan and Tyson ran over to him. "Cora... didn't... do this." He mumbled, bits of puke covered his lips. "Okay, just get some rest." Ryan said, trying to calm him down. They walked away from the makeshift medical ward and glanced at each other with worried looks. "What if this stuff is deadly?" Asked Tyson. "Well, Halle said if it was deadly most of them would be struggling to breathe and maybe even unconscious." Ryan assured him. "Oh, well that's good I guess." Said Tyson. "Well, not exactly." Ryan began "Why would Cora poison our camp with something that isn't deadly? It's because she didn't want to kill us. She wanted to weaken us." Ryan explained. "Weaken us for what?" Asked Tyson. Ryan hesitated a moment. "For an attack." He said.

Cora drove back to Sanctum. That was what they called the massive factory where her group was staying. She had stolen one of the cars from the Cuckluck Acres group. She arrived at the factory and parked her car just outside the chain link fence. One of the soldiers opened the gate and escorted her inside. Devin eagerly ran out of the front doors to go see her. "Cora! Did you do it?" He asked excitedly. "Yes. I did it." She said, smirking like a bitch "I hope you're happy. I had to sleep with some weird loser that didn't have any balls." Devin looked slightly confused. "Oh. How many of them drank it?" He asked. "All but three. Their defences are weakened. We should attack now." She told him. "The poison lasts for forty-eight hours. We've got time. We'll attack at dawn." Devin said. Cora agreed and they went back inside. Devin started walking to his bedroom, when Ashton stopped him in the hallway. "Hello sir! Did the plan work?" He asked. "It sure fucking did!" Devin exclaimed happily. "Alright!" Said Ashton. "So, how big did their community look when you scouted it out?" Devin asked. "Well, after I followed that blue haired fuck, I saw a decent bit of supplies. There are quite a few houses as well." Ashton told him. "Great. We should-" Devin began saying something but he was cut off by Ashton's sister Janazi emerging from their bedroom. "Why are you keeping me waiting?" She asked in a sexy voice. Like him, she had a swastika on her neck. Devin didn't really approve of them being Neon Nazis but there wasn't much he could do. Right now, Janazi was in nothing but panties. Her gargantuan breasts flailed in the air. "Coming, sis!" Ashton yelled excitedly. They went into the bedroom. Devin could hear the bed squeaking and both of them moaning. He turned away with disgust and began walking to his own bedroom. When he got there, his girlfriend Madison was waiting for him on the bed. Madison was quite chubby and had curly orange hair. For whatever reason, Devin loved her. "How did it go?" She asked. "Great. We can attack tomorrow." He said. "That's awesome!" She said happily. "Now, let's celebrate." He said, laying down next to her "I wanna stick you with my ten inch and make you squeal." Devin said, climbing on top of her. He pulled down both of their pants and began fucking her. He could feel her wet, slimy labia caressing the shaft of his penis. "This is the best day ever!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

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