Zoisite was lying on Kunzite's lap, feeling so upset that his eyes looked like they were about to let loose tears. Kunzite petted his lover's head soothingly.

"Have patience, my dear Zoisite," he said. "It's as they say; the impatient one always loses."

"But Kunzite," protested Zoisite. "I can't..."

"It will be alright," continued Kunzite. "For now, let's watch carefully and see what he has planned. We can then get rid of Nephrite when it suits us to do so."


At the Hikawa Shrine, Usagi and the others all met up, informing each other of the news about Princess Diamond.

"You're kidding. A princess?" wondered Rei.

"That's right, and I had a thought right when I heard the news about it," explained Luna. "There's a possibility that this Princess Diamond might be the princess that we've been searching for."

"Are you sure about that, Luna?" asked Harusuke. "I mean not that I doubt your theory or anything."

"You never know. It could be possible," said Luna.

"No way. It can't be," said Usagi.

"The way I see it, we shouldn't be so quick to dismiss Luna's hunch," said Ami. "I say that we should at least try to look into it."

"Yeah, but how? I'm sure that Princess Diamond's going to have a lot of bodyguards with her," pointed out Usagi. "Not to mention that we can't get into the reception because we don't have one of those special invitations to it."

"Don't you think that we're aware of that?!" snapped Rei. "It's our mission, so stop your whining and let's put our heads together and think of a way to get in!"

"You don't have to yell in my face like that," whimpered Usagi, whose eyes were welling up with tears. "Why do you always have to be such a meanie, Rei?"

"Will you just grow up?!" yelled Rei, who was now feeling irritated.

Usagi then burst into tears, wailing loudly. Harusuke immediately stepped in between the two girls.

"Come on, you two, take it easy!" he said. "It's too early in the day for this!"

"Well, why don't we all meet up at the embassy tonight and put our heads together when we get there?" asked Ami. "Then we'll wait for a chance to check whether or not Princess Diamond is the princess."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they went away to their homes.


Usagi, Harusuke, and Luna eventually had managed to make it back home.

"We're home!" the two kids called.

They had just entered the house when they saw Kenji. He was wearing a fancy black tuxedo combing his hair.

"Hey there, kids. Welcome back!" he greeted.

Usagi and Harusuke were surprised to see their dad in such fancy garb.

"Hey Dad, why are you all dressed up?" asked Usagi.

"Are you going on some fancy date with Mom or something?" wondered Harusuke.

"Nothing like that, Harusuke," said Kenji. "I'm leaving right now to go to the Kingdom of Diamonds Embassy."

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