"And what's even worse than that, Shingo didn't even apologize for it," said the first girl. "Everyone felt so sorry for poor Mika."

"We were both hoping that you two could talk some sense into Shingo and tell him to apologize to Mika," said the second girl. "Could you both please do that for us?"

"Oh, you know we will!" said Usagi angrily. "What he did was flat-out wrong!"

"Seems like you and Harusuke need to go have a heart-to-heart talk with him," said Naru.

"You better believe it!" said Usagi. "Especially one from his smart and beautiful big sister!"

"I know I don't normally say this, but I agree with you, Usagi," said Harusuke. "Well... except for the smart part." He then turned to the girls. "Don't worry, you two. Usagi and I will talk with Shingo and get him to apologize. Just leave it to us."

The two girls smiled, feeling relieved. "Thank you both so much!"


Meanwhile, Mika was hard at work working on another doll. Her room was dark due to the dimmed lights, and there were lots of other dolls she created herself. Then she heard a knock on her door and her mother came in.

"Are you alright, honey?" she asked. "Why is your room so dark in here?"

"It's easier for me to concentrate this way," said Mika.

Her mother then inspected the doll that Mika was currently working on. "Oh, you're already working on your next one. But this doll looks like it's on the verge of tears, but it's still well-made," smiled her mother. "Why don't we compare this one to the doll that won the prize?"

"Um... I don't have it anymore," said Mika, quickly trying to fight back the tears. "I... let someone borrow it."

"Oh? Who has it then?" asked her mother.

"Just... someone," said Mika quietly.

"Alright then," said her mother. "When you do get it back, please show it to me when you have time. OK?"

"OK," replied Mika.

And her mother left the room. Mika then sat in her chair, silently looking down at a drawer in her desk. She opened it, revealing where she had placed the broken doll she tried to give to Shingo. Her eyes then filled up with tears, finally unable to hold them in as the little girl started to cry. She felt very heartbroken, confused, and most of all, alone.


Nephrite was in his mansion in the woods again, looking for his next victim.

"The stars see all, the stars know all," he said as the projection came into life once again.

The project of Earth began to flash, and then a colorful beam of light shone, shooting right in the middle of Nephrite's forehead, and he began to see who his next victim was, which turned out to be Mika.

"Ah yes. Orpheus in Lyra has begun to play a sad melody on his harp," he said. "He's selected my next target, which is Mika Kayama! All of her energy will be mine!"


At the Tsukino residence, Shingo was in his room. He was busy writing an apology letter to Mika, feeling terrible for what had happened. But as he was writing the letter, his pride once again got to him, and he immediately tore up the letter.

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