Chapter 5 - Present

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As Sunny walked down the cave halls of Jade Mountain, she heard voices coming from the history cave.

Which was weird. Weren't Starflight and Fatespeaker having their lunch or something at this time? Sunny frowned thoughtfully, going into the cave. Maybe it were a few students.

Actually. Just one student. On the phone.

Sunny was about to call out to Kinkajou, but something made her fall silent and press herself against the door to listen. Whoever Kinkajou was talking to, it was clearly an important phone call. And possibly a dangerous one.

"You can't keep this secret forever," Kinkajou was snapping into the phone, her voice closer to a growl than Sunny had ever heard before. A short pause, and then Kinkajou laughed coldly. "Oh really? Doesn't seem to be that way. You're kidding yourself if you think they'll ever trust him again. You're ruining his life and my sister's. Just stop. Stop. No, don't. Listen to me. If you don't tell everyone, I will."

Sunny frowned. Kinkajou referred to her sister. What about Glory?

"Just don't. And that's impossible. Anyway, how will that help?" Kinkajou snarled. "Oh, shut up! Just shut up! I don't need your stuff right now."

Kinkajou just told someone to shut up, Sunny thought, worried and shocked at the same time. Who's she talking to though?

"Don't. I don't want to hear it right now. Bye." Kinkajou abruptly hung up, stalking from the room - and smashing straight into Sunny.

Sunny yelped, jumping back. "Oops, sorry!" She pretended to be surprised - while she wasn't really. She had to find out who Kinkajou was talking to.

"Sorry!" Kinkajou repeated, then turned on her heel, quickly walking away. Sunny went after her, speeding up her pace. Three moons, Kinkajou was walking fast. Was she.... Trying to get away from her?

"Hey, Kinka. Who was that on the phone?"

Kinkajou tensed, but her expression was instantly masked with a smile. "Oh, just Glory."

Sunny smiled back and slowed down, letting Kinkajou leave her behind. She was definitely lying.

Kinkajou had literally mentioned her sister on the phone. She had lied. But why?

Now that there was a war and conspiracies and betrayal swirling around Pyrrhia in a never ending whirlpool, Sunny didn't know who to trust.

Not even her closest friends, apparently, after Deathbringer's betrayal and Peril's abandonment.

Sunny groaned, remembering the Victory project. There wasn't much she could do, now that Peril had the files and definitely wasn't going to tell her and Greatness a thing. Which was just great.

Three moons, I'm sounding sarcastic like Glory now -

Sunny quickly made her way to Starflight and Fatespeaker, who were having their lunch outside. Fatespeaker seemed to be talking to Starflight, while monitoring a bunch of students. Sunny glanced over them, recognizing a few faces.

Winter, Qibli, Turtle, Tamarin, Anemone, Moon...

Oh dear. Winter and Qibli seemed to be arguing.

"Don't bother." Fatespeaker looked up at Sunny, noticing her presence, and smiled. "They're always arguing. What bring you out here Sunny? I didn't have a vision about it. Sadly." She waved a packet of cookies. "Wanna share?"

Sunny grinned, thought it was slightly forced. She sat down beside Fatespeaker, wincing as the scratchy raw wood tore at her dress. They really needed some proper chairs, not just cut up logs and rocks and so on. Fatespeaker offered her a cookie, and Sunny took one.

Tales of Pyrrhia Book 1: Dappled Sunlight - Wings of Fire Humans AUWhere stories live. Discover now