Chapter 1 - Contact

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"Over there, please, Alba, with the rest of your winglet." Sunny waved the young IceWing towards a nearby cave. Alba nodded sheepishly and hurried away, placing her sleeping bag beside the others. Sunny watched, relieved. I hope they get along.

Ever since the war had begun, Pyrrhia had been split apart. Now Sunny was just glad that everything seemed to be getting better. Slowly.

The people who had come with them were young. Just starting Highschool or some of the people - like Flame - were in Sunny's class. Or had been.

They'd decided, since they were the apparent 'dragonets of destiny' and had been given the role of people in charge that they should try and bring the tribes together. After all, they were try to stop the war and bring peace.

People everywhere seemed to suddenly be becoming distrustful of each other though. It was worrying. Sunny didn't know what had changed there - friends had been split apart because suddenly they were of different tribes. But why? It made no sense.

She wished Glory was there. It was so lonely without her. Glory was determined and brave and everything Sunny wasn't. Glory was also great at being in charge. Sunny didn't like being in charge. She just wanted to help, but instead she had everyone looking to her for all the answers.

I don't have all the answers! I'm just Sunny. Why does everyone think I'm in charge? We made Tsunami Head of School.

They had also decided that they should have some sort of learning program there. Sunny was eager to teach English and art and things like that - but it had been almost unanimous that that wasn't the case.

Tsunami had thought that they should all have fight training. She'd explained that since the other tribes had had swords and all sort of sharp pointy things, that everyone had to learn to defend themselves now and learn to fight if they ever needed to go to battle. Sunny hadn't liked the idea of that, but she'd agreed.

Clay had thought everyone should learn to hunt. They had a lot of bows and arrows now - all the tribes seemed to. Tsunami had randomly come back one day with a whole huge box full of weapons. Sunny had been stunned.

"What are those for?" she'd asked, confused. "Where did you get them from?"

"We need to hunt animals with them, and they're from Riptide. He gave them to me. I just say him and the Talons - they were passing on a message from Glory. Apparently everyone in the RainWing kingdom is fine and is settling in."

Sunny had been slightly dumbfounded by the spears Tsunami had also brought - for spearfishing, apparently. Sunny didn't exactly like the idea of eating any kind of animal and teaching people to kill them, but Clay had thought it was a good idea. After all, they didn't want to starve.

Starflight believed they had to learn the history of Pyrrhia. Fatespeaker was determined to help him, since he was probably permanently blinded now. It was agonizing for Sunny to watch - Starflight stumbling around blinded, the white bandage wrapped around his face. Fatespeaker was always with him, supporting him. Honestly, Sunny felt a little jealous at that....but she was glad he had Fatespeaker to look after him.

Unfortunately that meant he also couldn't read anymore, so Fatespeaker had turned into some kind of living audiobook. She read every single book she could find to him. Before they'd left the city Fatespeaker and Starflight had raided the library for all the history books. That was how he'd gotten blinded. Someone had seen then and shot the flaming arrow that had struck his face. His eyes.

But still Starflight was determined to find out the history of Pyrrhia. Sunny herself was curious. Why did the tribes stop? Who was Darkstalker? Is anything useful in there - ?

Tales of Pyrrhia Book 1: Dappled Sunlight - Wings of Fire Humans AUWhere stories live. Discover now