Chapter 2 - Wishes

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"Why did you do that last night?" Sunny demanded crossly. She and Tsunami were straightening the books on the shelves for Starflight and Fatespeaker the next morning, putting them all back in the right places after another dramatic session of uncovering history. But Sunny was finding it difficult to concentrate, the memories of the night before's chat racing through her mind.

"Do what?" Tsunami avoided her gaze, picking up an old book called Tales of the NightWings and pushing it back onto the shelf. "I can't believe there was so much stuff about the tribes in the library and hardly anyone knew..."

Sunny glared at her. She didn't like being angry at people, but last night had just been so wrong. It was supposed to have been a chat where they'd be brought together again, but it felt as though it had forced them further apart.

Apparently the next morning Riptide had also told her that he'd still been in the chatroom when she'd disabled it, so he'd seen what she had done in her frustration. Sunny felt so stupid as to have never noticed that he didn't log out like Fatespeaker and Kinkajou. She didn't even pay attention. But he'd called her up on it in his direct messages, and she'd un-disabled the chat again.

"You know what I mean," Sunny said. She put RainWing Defenses and RainWing Lore beside each other, briefly distracted by thoughts about Glory. "I mean, what happened last night. How you just left."

Tsunami scowled, shoving books back onto the small makeshift wood shelf more forcefully. "So? I don't exactly care. I didn't want to be there anyway."

"You were so angry and Deathbringer...." Sunny began quietly, then was cut off by Tsunami's rage.

"I have a right to be!" she spat. "He lied to us for ages. He's a murderer, and he killed Grandeur. He never told us. How can anyone even consider forgiving him after all he's done?"

"There wasn't much he could do about being an assassin," Sunny flashed back. She wished she could make Tsunami see sense. Maybe if she could manage to convince Tsunami, then she'd have a chance at getting Glory to forgive Deathbringer too. But she had a feeling Gory would be much harder than Tsunami at this point.

"And anyway," Sunny went on. "Starflight apparently knew all about it too, and he said nothing. I'm sorry Starflight. I didn't mean to call you out directly, I'm just trying to make Tsunami understand.

"That's different," Tsunami scoffed, turning away and refusing to meet Sunny's eye.

"Not really," Sunny pressed. "And Deathbringer saved Glory's life too, at the volcano. You can't really blame him."

"Oh yes I can!" Tsunami retorted. "He started this entire war."

Sunny frowned. "How? The NightWings started the war. He didn't start it, no matter what Peril said. This war didn't start over Scarlet seeing him in her house or something. Scarlet was probably going to kill everyone anyway. So why pick on Deathbringer?"

Tsunami slammed a book down so hard on the shelf it nearly broke. "He's not good enough for Glory, okay? Glory shouldn't forgive him and I can't either! How could Glory forgive him? She'd be crazy! He killed Grandeur!"

"He had no choice," Sunny protested. "Have you even listened to his side of the story yet?"

"No...." Tsunami muttered.

"Then try." Sunny picked up a book and placed it beside the others. "There's always more than one side to every story. You just have to try and find out what they are."


Sunny glanced into the classroom, smiling. Webs was droning on about the history of Pyrrhia to some students (who looked bored to death but nevermind) and Fatespeaker was leafing over a pile of papers and history books in the other corner. Some students and Starflight were with her. Fatespeaker was reading out every word as patiently as she could to him, and the students were flicking over papers as well.

Tales of Pyrrhia Book 1: Dappled Sunlight - Wings of Fire Humans AUWhere stories live. Discover now