Chapter 1

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There was something about boats and the water splashing against the sides that always managed to make me sick, despite the heavy wings on my back, helping me with my balance. Nephelle lingered in the air over us, making sure that there were no surprise attacks from Prythian. All I was doing was making sure nothing happened to the human man that arrived in Catrea and found Miryam. I hadn't been in Prythian for ages, ever since Thesan let me go with Miryam to Catrea all those years ago. But now I was back to the place I had once called my home, all because of the war with the Hybern king. I really despised that guy.

"Are you sure you're alright?" the white-haired man asked from his position on the front of the boat. I was leaning over the side of the boat, trying my best to not puke, "or should I get someone to bring you some water?"

I shook my head before lifting it gently, my chestnut hair swaying from my face as I smiled kindly to the man. He seemed kind enough. From the time I had been spending time in his company. He had even told me about his daughters. They seemed kind enough as well, two of them stubborn, but at the same time, very lovely.

Miryam appear out of nowhere, giving me a fright. She chuckled at my reaction, while I bow my head in greeting. She just patted my head like a loyal puppy. I smiled, but the urge to throw up again rose quickly in me, forcing me to lean over the edge of the boat again. I closed my eyes as I took deep breaths.

"I don't think she is very well."

"Oh, she will be. As long as I've known Aaliz, she hasn't let some nauseous feeling get rid of her strong will."

"Are you sure we shouldn't help her?" the old man asked.

"I can hear you; you know. I do appreciate the thought, but I am quite alright. If you don't take the enormous waves crashing into my face into consideration," I said, raising my head as the both of them look at me, smiles on their face. At least they understood what I meant, "or the fact that I haven't been on the sea in forever."

"And here I thought I had trained a warrior to the core and not some girl making excuses."

I turned my whole body to face Drakon with a snort of disapproval, shaking my head as I threw my hands into the air, my wings following the gesture. All three of them just laughed at me, but I shook my head and look up at Nephelle. Maybe she could use some help. I bent my knees slightly before flapping my wings behind me, making me take off into the sky. I pressed my hands over my ears as to ignore them from all the way up there. But I looked at the boats we had brought along. Three huge ships that had been named after the man's three daughters: Elain, Feyre and Nesta. None of the names were familiar, but they had a nice ring to them.

But my thoughts were interrupted as I spotted the disaster we were sailing towards, the ash dancing in the wind, and the wounded screaming in pain. Prythian no longer looked like I remember. Almost everything had been destroyed one way or the other. The wall between the fae land and the mortal realm had been destroyed. It was no longer the home I had looked forward to catching a glimpse of.

"Go, Aaliz. We got things covered here," Drakon called up to me.

I glanced down at him, just to get a freaking sword thrown almost in my face. Luckily I caught it before it could fall back down. I nodded to them, rolled my shoulders before I shot forward. Now I needed to figure out where to land and help out first. With all of the fighting, I could barely separate the Hybern knights from the Prythian warriors. The ones I knew for sure belonged to Prythian was the Illyrians in the sky, the winter court's army and Thesan's army. But the rest blended with each other, making it almost impossible to see who were fighting against who.

"Aaliz!" a familiar voice called out.

Even if that person would call out to me over several miles, I could still pinpoint where it had come from. I looked down at my brother and smiled gently, he still looked the same as he had after so many years. He gave a small wave before continuing fighting the soldier in front of him. One strike and he was down cold. I noticed one sneaking up behind him, his blade high. I grabbed the sword Drakon had given me and threw it towards him. My brother looked behind him in surprise as I descended onto the ground, smiling innocently.

A Court of Ash and Fire (Being rewritten)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz