I'm excited to find out exactly what this place has to offer me. Where it might take me. The possibilities make me eager that this could very likely lead me down the path I was meant to go on.

The vibration of my phone in my back pocket pulls me out of my conversation with myself, and I pull it out to see a good luck text from Devin. I respond, thanking her and sliding the phone back in my pocket.

This prompts me to finally lace my shoes up, standing up from the bed to look at myself in the mirror and make sure everything is fine. I left my hair natural down my back and I have a hair tie in case I want to put it up; jean shorts and a white shirt with three small sunflowers adorn the rest of my body. I'm not carrying anything besides my phone and a few other things like my key in my pocket because it's safe to assume I won't need anything else today.

I check the time on my phone again, realizing I should probably get going now if I want to be just the right amount of early.

I don't think twice, opening my door and stepping out into the hallway to lock it behind me. It's quiet around me, which I'm kind of thankful for. No awkward run ins or interactions. My door is close to the main common area, so I don't have to walk very far.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!"

I spoke too soon.

I barely dodge a collision with another person carrying a box full of books. They turned down the hallway at the same time as me, and obviously it didn't go as planned.

"It's okay." I chuckle lightly, looking down at the girl who's a bit shorter than me. "Do you want some help?" I offer.

"Oh no it's fine, you don't have to–" Her grip on the massive box slips and she catches it just in time, but in reflex, I leaned to grab it too.

"Here." I take the box from her, not really giving her a choice as I lift the box away from here.

"Thank you." She breathes out and smiles. "My room is just right here." She slips her hand into her pocket and pulls out a key identical to mine, unlocking the first door on the left side of the hallway that's two doors down from mine.

"You can put it anywhere. Thank you." She states again, and I follow her into the room and set the box at the end of her bed. "I'm heading out again anyway, so."


"Did I make you late? Oh my god I'm so sorry–"

"You're fine." I smile at her. "I'll still be on time. It's not too far."

"Wait," she pauses, "are you going to the Ocean and Earth Sciences building?"

"Yeah." I nod.

"For orientation?"

"Yeah." I nod again.

"Same!" She squeals, jumping up and down a bit and catching me a little off guard. "I was actually so nervous because I barely know anybody but now I know you! And you already helped me so I know you're, like, the nicest person ever. I'm Kalani."

I smile, loving her enthusiasm because it made this interaction a whole less awkward. "I'm Brooklyn."

"I love you already."

I let out a little laugh.

"Okay, we should go or else I will for sure make us late." She nods, sliding past me to leave the room and I follow her and wait as she locks it.

"We don't have to bring anything, right?" She asks as we make our way through the common area to get to the elevator.

"Not that I know of." I shrug.

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