"Hello?....I see... Yeah..." Esthers eyes moved to Macleod "No dont worry if he doesnt take care of things properly I will." The last was said in a language Duncan didnt understand but Methos did... Methos watched his wife as she hung up the phone


Macleod looked at the woman for a second before he answered "Yeah?"

"Do you know a man named Jacob Galati?"

The answer was yes.. And Esther gave Duncan directions to where he could find the immortal. After he had been gone for about an hour she left as well, Joe watched her leave with a frown

"Wheres she going?"

Methos looked up from his book and shrugged "I imagine she had business to take care of."

"She doesn't tell you much does she? But you sure trust her a lot."

Methos laid his book to the side and stood "Let me put this on terms you can understand, in war who do you trust the most?"

"My fellow soldiers."

Methos nodded "Right, and if you were a fighter pilot, who would you trust the most?"

"My wingman"

Another nod from the ancient "Now think of my and Esthers relationship like this... Our kind are in a war, she is my fellow soldier, in fact shes my wingman.. Now sometimes she has a mission thats top secret, and sometimes I do and we cant tell the other about it. But we still trust each other because we've been to hell and back again together... Make sense?"

Joe nodded, and Methos sat back down to continue reading his book. But Joe just lay there wondering what a relationship was like where the trust was that complete.


For the next few days no one saw Esther and they saw Duncan rarely. But Joe had come up with a plan , he and Methos were currently sneaking into the new watcher headquarters

"Watchers afraid their going to be killed by immortals holed up in a funeral home. Is it just me or is there some kind of cosmic irony in that?"

Joe turned and glared at the old immortal "Its just you."

Neither of them noticed the fact that they were being snuck up on. Nor did they notice the figure crouched on a tree branch watching them from afar.

The figure shook their head as they watched the two men get led inside. The figure hopped down and snuck out of the graveyard, heading towards a pay phone.

"Its me... The old man just got captured... No they dont know about him.... Don't worry brother, I just need a few more days then I can kill the boy.... Well if anything happens before hand I guess we'll deal with the fallout as we always have."

The phone was hung up and the figure headed back to their hiding spot... Waiting for their chance.

The next day Joe led the watchers to Jacob, they kidnapped him and took him back to the funeral home. Then they killed him, the mortal watchers took his head, for them it was justice. But the figure who had been watching shook their head sadly knowing that the fallout from this could be disastrous unless handled.


Duncan was angry as he shoved by Joe and walked away. Joe turned to Methos who was seriously regretting what he had just helped with.

"I helped you kill him Joe, in helped you betray one of my own kind." Method shook head and walked away, he felt another immortal and looked up as Esther passed him heading towards Joe. He stopped her

Longer Than Forever: Highlander Fanfic MethosxOCWhere stories live. Discover now