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~Side to Side~
Ariana Grande

"I know you got a bad reputation.
Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation."

"Where are we going?" I asked, my eyes looking out of the passenger window. London's night lights were on full brightness and people were stumbling on the sidewalks, laughing with their heads tilted back.

"Somewhere where the people are so drunk they won't give us a second glance." Tom's lips were curved in a smirk as his car rumbled with ferocity.

"And why would we want to be invisible, my dear?" I inquired, chuckling lightly at my little title I gave him. The look in his eyes as lights shone on his face was one I expected from a mafia prince. He wanted to show me a good time, one I would never forget.

"I want to be the only one that looks at you tonight, my love," he replied, moving his hand from the steering wheel to my thigh, exposed due to the slit in my dress. My gun rested only an inch from his warm fingertips.

I checked to see if my seat warmer was on. Nope. My body was just radiating heat from his touch. I couldn't trust myself to look at him, so I looked straight out, trying to focus on not going red.

I took deep breaths, trying to make myself and my heart calm down. I hated how he made me feel out of control. I hated how I knew if he kissed me right now and left, I would go crawling back to him, begging. That wasn't me. I was the one with a loaded gun strapped to my thigh.

Finally, it felt like I could say something, like I could play along with his little game. "And what if some handsome stranger comes my way and asks for a dance? What would you do?" My voice came out clear, but low and quiet. My breath came out hot, causing a small cloud in the car against the chill air outside.

"You're not the only one with a gun on them, princess." He shot me a devilish smile, a glint in his eyes that I had never seen before. The glint of a killer.

"How unfortunate for him that my fiancé is a trained assassin with jealousy issues." I clicked my tongue and shook my head with mock disappointment.

"Yes, how unfortunate," he responded with a grin. He wasn't denying it. I knew in that moment what lengths he would go to keep me to himself. Our kiss was like signing a contract, one I wished would never nullify.

We pulled in behind a strip of buildings and I could see the excitement building in Tom's eyes. "Did you ever google me before we met to see who you were marrying?" he asked out of nowhere. The question was embarrassing in itself, but what was more embarrassing was my answer, so I tried my best to avoid giving it.

"Why?" Instead of answering, I was going to give my own question. By the pulling up of his lips into a smile, I knew he got his answer without hearing it straight from my lips. He hopped out of the car, walking in long strides towards my side, and he opened my door for me.

"Did you know that I own a club? One open to the public, but also for those looking for business?" He offered me his hand and I took it in my ringed one.

"I didn't know that. I thought the other club we went to was your playground." I tried to hide how impressed I was, and how surprised I was at the business that must be booming inside. Assassinations were being planned, heists were being pitched, and artillery were being traded.

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