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~Love is a B*tch~
Two Feet

"My fluttering wings can't keep you from pulling me down."

All Hallows' Eve Special Part II

We entered the large doors, hands gripping tightly onto each other. My chest thudded with the loud music and when I looked to the side, I watched countless couples kissing in a way that shouldn't have been seen by public eye. This was my element, so why did I feel so out of place? If I had come to this party just a week ago, I would have already found some poor soul to seduce and control for the night.

"Let's get a drink," Tom shouted over the music. I nodded my head in reply, my eyes wandering over the group of diverse people. Some wore costumes that looked like no effort was put into them, some too much effort, and others had no costume at all.

My eyes weren't the only ones doing double takes, though. I could see many of them taking out their phones, looking from it to us, then back. We were being recognized.

We reached the kitchen, wooden cabinets and floors making it look like a cozy cottage. There were cases upon cases of six packs, and I reached and grabbed whichever one was closest to me. I didn't care how it tasted. Tom seemed to do the same, and he grabbed a bottle opener, popping open both of our bottles.

I took a huge sip, feeling the cold liquid drip down my throat and settle in my stomach. "Is that loaded?" Tom asked, his lips brushing against my ear, and his eyes were on the gun that was attached to my thigh. I nodded my head with a small smirk, and he did the same, placing his hand on the gun that was in a holster at his hips.

"Tom!" Both of us looked towards the voice that had called out his name. My eyes landed on a blonde pirate, fake stubble drawn on his cheeks and jaw. "Ah, and the future wife. Y/n, right?" he asked, his pupils dilated with alcohol.

"That's right," I replied with a smile, and I took another sip from the brown bottle.

"She's a good one, man," he said, looking me up and down. I felt Tom straighten up next to me and he stepped in between me and the man.

"You seem to have already gone through a few bottles, Haz," Tom said. I was expecting for him to get angry, but his tone was friendly, not at all hostile. Harrison shrugged his shoulders with a laugh, then patted Tom hard on the back.

"How's business?" Harrison asked, grabbing another bottle. I saw the disgust in Tom's posture, but he played it off well to his friend.

"Not enough disturbances for me. It makes work less interesting. Except, life has been pretty adventurous," Tom replied, bringing me closer to his side. His arm wrapped warmly around my waist. Did Haz know of the Holland's real business, or did he know of their fake jewelry brand? I would have to keep my mouth under control until I got the answer.

"I bet. The wedding is soon, right?" Haz asked, continuing on the conversation. He seemed to be becoming more sober as he spoke to Tom.

"A little over a week," I spoke up, the words coming out in a calm, excited tone. I would be trying on my wedding dress for the last time before the actual day in three days.

"The invitations were sent out yesterday," Tom added, slapping his hand on his friend's shoulder. "You should be getting yours any day now." Harrison's eyes, well the eye that wasn't covered by an eyepatch, widened with excitement. Tom had planned to ask him to be his best man tonight, but I assumed he would wait until Haz was sober.

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