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~Put It On Me~
Matt Maeson

"If there's no one to blame, blame it on me."

I stared at the white walls, tuning out my parent's voices. They were babbling on about me being single, which was weird coming from them, but I didn't want to hear it either way. I didn't know where they were going with this, but I didn't care.

I sighed quietly, making out shapes in the marble floors. That was a cloud, a deformed face, and a gun. I laughed once to myself. Fitting.

"So you will be marrying him in two weeks." My heart stopped beating, my lungs stopped inhaling and exhaling, even my blood seemed to stop flowing for a few seconds.

I whipped my head up, staring at them with a look that others called deadly. "Excuse me? I'm not marrying anyone!" I stood up. My heart was now beating ten times as fast, my lungs were bringing in too much air, and my blood was rushing to my face.

"Tom is handsome, wealthy, and very powerful. The two of you would bring our families together. You would lead the largest, strongest mafia in history!" My mother stood up, as well, her own face growing red with rage.

Did she really think I was going to agree so easily to this? I wasn't agreeing to an ice cream flavor for dessert. This was something that determined the rest of my life!

"Tom? As in Tom Holland? Our biggest competitors' son?" I shouted.

"Were you not listening at all?" my father asked, his voice raised. He leaned forward in his leather chair, placing his elbows on his knees.

"No. I wasn't," I admitted, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Pft." My mother scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Of course you weren't. You were probably wondering when you could smoke your next blunt."

"Just shut up! I'm not marrying Tom Holland, and I'm sure as hell not listening to you two anymore." I turned to leave the large room.

"He already agreed," my father called out. I stopped in my tracks before turning around to see him leaning back in his chair.


Tom's POV

"I am not marrying the Y/l/n's daughter! Are you crazy?" I shouted, brushing my hand through my hair, trying to calm down.

"Tom, you would be the most powerful man in England," my father said, an eyebrow raised in confusion to my aversion.

"I've never even met the girl, and you want me to marry her?" I shook my head before loosening my tie. I felt like I was being choked.

"You could go on a date or two first," my mother suggested, looking down at her new diamond bracelet.

I laughed without humor. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"

"Here," she added, handing me her phone. I looked down to see the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I always thought the phrase "she took my breath away" was cheesy. However, after seeing Y/n for the first time, I realized that grabbing the breath out of my lungs and pulling it out was actually possible.

I looked back up at my mother who was smirking to herself, obviously proud of my reaction.

"You don't have a choice in the matter, Thomas." My father's voice took on a darker tone. His eyebrows furrowed together, waiting for my response.

"When would the wedding be?" I asked quietly after a few seconds of hesitation. I couldn't look them in the eyes, so I stared down at the floor, trying to make out shapes in the dark hardwood.

"Two weeks," my mother responded, sitting on the side of my father's chair.

"Two weeks?!" I exclaimed; my whole body felt like it was on fire. I took a few deep breaths, staring back down at the floor to try and slow down my heart rate. It wouldn't be a good idea to lose my temper, especially now.

"What has Y/n said?" I asked, my voice quiet again.

"She said yes." My father spoke up once more.

I closed my eyes tight. Then, I brought my head back up.

"I guess we better get me fitted for a new tux."

Y/n's POV

Why would he say yes? Who in their right mind would agree to being put into an arranged marriage with their enemy?

"No. I'm not doing this!" I shouted again, putting my hands in my hair as I battled with the decision that I couldn't even make. My mother's heels clicked along the marble floor as she came closer to me.

"The power, the fame, the money," my mother whispered into my ear. "And a handsome husband that would make sure you were always comfortable," she added, grabbing my hand and placing her phone in it.

I looked down to see a man that made my cheeks burn with vigor. He had a sharp jawline and defined cheekbones that were accentuated by shadows. His brunette hair was styled, but one curl fell in front of his forehead. His style was impeccable, which made the room seem to be ten times as warm as before. My mother was right. He was extremely handsome.

I swallowed hard, my throat feeling dry. "And he agreed to marry me?" I asked, suddenly self-conscious. My anger was replaced with doubt.

"Yes. He is at a fitting for his tuxedo as we speak," Mother responded, taking her phone back.

"If I agree to this, will it be a real wedding? Families in attendance, a gown, a theme?" You only get married once. If I couldn't choose the groom, I at least wanted to choose how the rest of the day went.

"Of course. It would be a huge affair. You are Y/n Y/l/n and Tom Holland after all. The press won't know what to do with themselves. Two of the richest families in England after the royal family are being joined together." My mother spoke up again. This must've been her idea.

I tightened my grip on my mother's phone, looking down at the man on the screen again. Surprisingly, I had never seen him before. I looked up at my parents again, biting the inside of my cheek in thought.

I took a deep breath. "I better pick out my dream dress, then."

~ ~ ~

I hope you guys are excited to see where this story goes, because I am very excited to write it!

If you want to get the vibe of each chapter, or want to just get into the "I'm a badass mafia princess" mindset, then listen to the songs that will be the title of each chapter ;)

Remember you all are loved and beautiful and I appreciate each and every one of you!

Alright, anyways, hehe, I hope you enjoyed! And I'll catch y'all in the next chapter <3


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