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"Yah, no. You're not allowed to go out, stay at home until you get better," Hongjoong huffs into his phone as he stares out of his cramped office window, watching the dirty rainwater leave streaks of stains on the glass.

He was currently on a phone call with one of his younger crew members, forcing him to stay at home as he came down with a fever from the harsh thunderstorms a few days back.

The said kid was on his way back from the 7-11 down the road, when a sudden flash of lightning struck through the sky, a loud clap of thunder following not long after.

It started drizzling—then it rained hard. The boy decided to run in the storm, soaking wet.

And what was the outcome? A fever.

"Jaemin. I need you to stay at home." The kid, however, refused and wanted to help Hongjoong with the stacks of paperwork as he complained about nothing to do at home while being sick.

"But hyung-"A loud cough cackled from his phone speaker, "but there's nothing to do at home!"

Hongjoong sighs loudly, pushing a hand through his messy blue hair as he watches his small circular clock ticking quietly at the side of his desk— 12.30 pm.

"I'll send some PDFs or something for you to look at. Just stay at home. Please," he fiddles with the stray pieces of wool his blue vest.

he didn't need a sick person coughing around his office right now anyways.

"Aw fine!" Jaemin whines out before cutting the line.

The boss sighs again, wanting send send a quick message in his groupchat to notify Wooyoung to prepare a meal for him. But the male in question was unfortunately on his day-off.

"Probably took San out on a date," Hongjoong murmurs as he brushes a hand through his hair again before shutting his computer off.

He stands up stretching his arms above his head and pulls the blue vest off his body, revealing a white short-sleeve button up. He grabs his grey zip-up jacket and a lousy piece of leather that he calls his wallet. The threads were barely holding the material together, threatening to spill the bills and cards out at any given moment.

"Ehh, it can last till the end of the year," and shoves it into the pocket of jacket.

Hongjoong makes his way out of the stuffy office and to the elevator that was located at the end of the hallway of the second floor, too lazy to walk down the stairs that is next to the lift landing.

a little ding sounds out before the metal doors opened and revealed the inside of the elevator: colourful posters and advertisements of their company shows pasted along the walls and a Park Jisung, who waved at him cheerfully.

Hongjoong waved back at the kid, who was busy listening to music through his wired earphones, and pressed the cold lift button that closed the doors (seeing as Jisung had wanted to go to the first floor as well).

The older didn't want to disturb him and just headed out of the metal box the moment its doors opened.

Hongjoong spots his trusty receptionist giving him a smile while he walked by, in response he clicks his tongue and sends a wink her way which left the poor receptionist flustered, not long before she suddenly choked on her tea.

He laughs it off and grabs an umbrella from the tall black holder that sat next to the marble desk, pushing the heavy glass door open as a strong gust a wind immediately hit his face.

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