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"God bless your fucking mother," Yeosang murmured while venting out his frustration by kicking the pebbles that littered across the sidewalk.

He inhales deeply through his nose, the crisp air sharp to his senses. After running out of the auditorium, he had let those tears that were threatening to spill, finally run down from the corners of his eyes down his cheeks, hiccups erupting from him while walking out of the campus.

People swept past him like wind, the chilly breeze blowing right into his face when he stepped out of the old grey building into the snowy weather.

With heavy steps, he decides to walk on the wet grass that squelched loudly under the soles of his black boots, not minding that his shoes got dirty from the mud.

Yeosang couldn't wait to get under the warm duvet that rested atop his bed, trying his best to trudge his way through the snow and back to the comfort of his apartment that was located quite a number of blocks away, the warmth from the old and rusty electronic heaters that sat by the end of his bed was calling out for him.

A simple walk back home from the class he had just skipped was just enough to get rid of thoughts that were clouding his mind.

Judging by the fact that he was a somewhat broke college student that lived with his 2 other broke best friends in a tiny 2-room apartment in the middle of the city, money was scarce between the three of them.

The solution? They needed to work hard for that money.  There was a little cafe called 'Aurora' at the end of their street, a short 5 minute walk away from the apartment. That cafe was apparently short on staff, not until Yunho, Seonghwa and Yeosang joined them.

The three of them, and 4 other employees: Shotaro, Sungchan, Chenle and Jisung, the humble owner who is a young cheerful woman who went by the name of Lee Seongji.

The group rotates shifts in the tiny shop that sold what you would see in a typical starbucks, but with a lesser variety of course. Despite the pay not being much, it was enough to cover rent and meals(or not, since Seongji the goddess of kindness herself provides their meals).

Customers could come in waves every day—sometimes more popular on Monday afternoons or sometimes Friday evenings. When Yeosang was on shift, he would always spot his classmates coming in now and then to grab drinks and chat for a bit.

Now that he had free time from skipping that class, he decides to walk a little further to the cafe and start an early shift, and maybe to earn extra money.

Yeosang was probably still quite a distance away before his thoughts had drifted to what happened earlier. The look of guilt Jongho had spotted when Yeosang had slapped him across the face was like the constant itch after a mosquito had bitten you, a constant reminder about what he had done.

Hugging his black school bag tighter between his arms, Yeosang starts picking up his pace before rushing ahead to Aurora that stood out in white with blue windows, a contrast to the other plain shops.

The signature small ceramic plant pot that was wrapped around with blue yarn suspended mid-air, hanging off a fancy looking hook that clung to the metal that was barely holding up the pastel blue overhead shelter.

Upon reaching the humble shop, Yeosang pushes the door open which made the bells that hung off the handle on the other side chime loudly, the jingle signifying that someone had came into the cafe.

Yeosang walks in, immediately spotting an orange-haired Chenle cleaning the tables in the booths closest to the door, wearing bright pink gloves and a black apron that wrapped tightly around his body. The said boy looked up upon hearing the bells, a bright smile settles on his lips when he realised who came in.

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