Is This Our Anime Beach Episode?

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The beach was amazing! They had to walk through this weird souvenir shop to get to the gateway. Snape was glaring at the chaos duo when he saw they had plain black swim trunks. They just pulled him through to the beach before standing there awed at the sight. It had a few people, though they were all spaced out, but the view of the ocean was amazing!

They scrambled down to find the perfect spot before eating breakfast. Equidistant from the pier and ocean, they set down their blanket, towels, and cooler. Hermione got the plates and utensils while Harry got the food. They had made breakfast burritos and wrapped them in tinfoil to keep them warm. Breakfast was eaten, the teens were forced to wait fifteen minutes afterwards before they could swim as ordered by Snape.

The second the fifteen minutes were up, the two were dashing down into the water. Shrieks erupted from the two as they realized why no one else was in the water yet: it was really cold! The two scrambled over each other trying to get out of the cold water, Hermione shoving Harry under, who grabbed her leg and dragged her down with him. The two managed to finally crawl into the beach, hacking and sputtering out the salty water.

Harry lifted their hand to flip off Snape, who could be heard chuckling at their misfortune, before Snuffles hopped onto their back. After a few minutes of fighting, Harry managed to throw Snuffles off and stumble back to the blankets. They plopped down and snagged a book from Hermione's bag, which she had left open after grabbing her own book. The two were pouting for a time due to having to wait until the water warmed up a little.

It was an hour later when Snape deemed it warm enough. The chaos duo had been distracted by their respective books: Hermione with 'The Evolution of Spells' and Harry with 'Unseen Creatures: Real or Myth?'. Once they noticed the dour man begin his walk to the water, the books were forgotten as they raced back to the ocean.

The water, while still chilly, had warmed considerably. The teens enjoyed splashing and tackling each other into the waves. They did at one point team up against Snape and pulled him under the water, which resulted in both being thrown away from him with a wandless spell. Though, that just seemed to encourage the two to try again.

It was around 1 pm when they returned to their blanket and towels. They had lunch: buffalo chicken wraps. Afterwards, they decided to simply relax at their spot. Snape read the latest potions journal, Hermione dozed off, Sirius was already asleep half-way on top of Hermione, and Harry was taking pictures of the ocean with his phone.

Thirty minutes later, they stood up and moved down the beach to film a video by the ocean. They set up and used their phone to record, already cringing at the thought of the quality of the video.

"What's up Muggles! It's been a hot minute since I checked back in. So, I have since discovered that I am straight up not having a good time mentally! My best friend, 'Mione, is staying with me! Um, oh, one of my teachers from Hogwarts is also staying with me, it seems that they noticed when my relatives didn't come back to the house. Let's see, um, I destroyed a man's confidence using memes, I gained a small crush, and I'm going by They/them pronouns! I also found a way to clear my godfather's name!

Other than that not much has happened, it's been pretty peaceful! So, I guess I should tell y'all another story about my time at Hogwarts before I go back in three days. Um, I'll tell you about how I met my 'Mione! It was Halloween in my first year, I had seen her around the school, she's in the same house as me after all. But on Halloween, the Defense teacher let a troll into the school as a distraction to steal an artifact! Trolls are really stupid, so it wondered into a girl's bathroom.

It was the same bathroom that 'Mione was crying in, she was crying because our other best friend was being a jerk. Anyways, Me and our other friend ran in once we realized that she wasn't in the common room and saw the troll. She was trying to get away from it while we were throwing rocks. I had jumped onto the troll and accidentally stuck my wand up its nose! Which wasn't fun to clean up by the way. The other friend used a spell to make the trolls club float and dropped it on its head! It knocked the troll out and we gained a new friend!

Of course, we got in a lot of trouble afterwards, but I think it was well worth it. I got my best friend slash sister out of it after all! I guess that's all I have to say for now. I hope everyone has a great rest of their summer! Potter Out!"

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