Feel My Wrath and Extreme Self Doubt!

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"That's the full truth! Sirius should never have gone to Azkaban when he's innocent! You believe me, right?" The four, Sirius was in his human form, were sitting in the living room telling the truth to Snape, who had the greatest resting bitch face in the world. The other three sat waiting for the man to say or do anything.

"That Son of a - " Snape's furious words were cut off Sirius lunging forward and hugging the man awkwardly. This was the third person who believed in his innocence! Or the third that he knows about. "Get off you filthy mutt! Now, we need to discuss Mr. Potter's residency for after this summer."

"We absolutely do not! This is a private matter and will stay that way! And would you stop calling me that!"

"Your relatives abused you and I refuse to allow you to return here! This is not up for discussion. I will also continue to call you by your name, Mr. Potter!"

"I don't care about my name, just drop the Mr. I'm nonbinary." Harry was cut off by an excited Hermione.

"Really! Have you picked different pronouns? I'll need to switch to calling you by those! Are you changing your name to something more neutral? Are you - "

"Breath 'Mione! I wanna use they/them and I'm not going to change my first name, it's already pretty neutral. I wanna change my middle name though."

The two teens continued to talk animatedly about gender identity and pronouns as the two adults attempted to decipher any of what they were talking about. Snape had eventually been handed the book Harry was given after he tried to interrupt their conversation. Sirius just mentally switched his view of his godchild to be what he thought they meant by gender neutral. The group had quickly been sidetracked from the talk about Harry's home life.

The group had a relaxed afternoon after the chaos of earlier. Dinner time came faster than expected, Snape had to practically fist fight Harry to make dinner to give them a break. Snape made a spicy curry to go with the leftover dumplings and rice from lunch. It was a lovely way to end the day. It was around eight when they had a revelation.

"Hey 'Mione? Are you going to stay here?"

"Oh! If it's alright? I sorta just left when I found your youtube channel. Which I'm still not happy about, but it's really popular for some reason?"

"It's alright, you can share my bed. I know, it got popular really fast. People think it's a joke, but it might help some up-coming muggleborns, so I'm going to keep posting."

"Fair enough, but I wanna be in one of your videos!"

They began planning a video they could do together as they went to get ready for bed. Hermione borrowed a hoodie and pair of shorts from Harry and went to change in the bathroom while Harry changed in the room. The two met back in the room to talk some more before bed. The two grew tired of talking after some time, simply grabbing a book each and leaning against each other to read peacefully. Harry had chosen a book about weird Wizards and Witches that were prominent in the muggle and magical worlds.

"Miss Mary Poppins was a real witch who graduated top of her class at Hogwarts in 1908. She went into the Welfare of Magical and Muggleborn Children Department in the Ministry of Magic. She was the cause of the Marchbanks Incident in 1910 that revolutionized the way muggleborn children are introduced to the magical world."

The two children nodded off, leaning against each other as they read. Books slipped off the bed, but did not disturb the peaceful aura of the room. Their magic sang happily as Snape snuck onto the room to turn off the lights and let his two students sleep.

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