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Leo couldn't help but fall in love with his best friend, but he had been willing to throw out his feeling so Piper to get the guy she wanted. They are both his friends so he wanted them to be happy, no matter the cost, even if it turned him into the third wheel.

He thought he actually had a chance when Jason lost his memory, he had wished on all the gods of Olympus that Jason would notice him. Sadly, all his pleas had gone unanswered as Jason slowly fell in love with Piper. Leaving Leo to yet again be the third wheel.

Learning that his memories of Jason were all fake, he resented Hera for making him love someone he never truly knew. But he couldn't be upset, the gods had meddled into his life since he was born, he couldn't complain now. Besides, Piper and Jason seem to be really happy together, Leo just couldn't get in the way of that.


Jason felt weird. He didn't know why, he had gotten all his memories back, he had an amazing girlfriend, and he was about to reunite two camps who'd been separated for too long. But he couldn't help but feel something was off. He certainly didn't miss the sad looks that Leo was not very discreet about. That's definitely something that Jason needs to take care of. Even though Jason knows he wasn't really friends with Leo before the quest but he feels a connection with him.

After the campfire, Jason quickly went to track down Leo, he knew that Leo never goes to his cabin at curfew so he started at the forge.


Leo hated how much it hurt to see Jason's arm around Piper's shoulders. He couldn't go back to the cabin, some of his siblings are still scared of him being a fire user so he knew to stay away when he felt his power was a little out of his control. Even now as he worked his hands were smoking and he had a small flame dancing in his hair.

Why did they do this to me? Leo thought. He felt tears form in his eyes when it all dawned on him that he'll never truly be happy. He was in love with his best friend who had a girlfriend. Fuck. The tears were falling and Leo couldn't stop them.

The door creaked. Leo quickly dried his face and hoped that whoever it was wouldn't stare into his red eyes. He turned and his heart hurt even more than it did. Jason.

"Are you okay? You kinda ran off after the campfire." Jason looked like he wanted to say more but he refrained himself.

"Uh yeah I'm fine, just worried about the quest, um I come here when I get nervous." Leo knew that he could never keep things from Jason for so long, but he could never tell the truth.

"Hey, you can come to me anytime, you're my best friend, you can tell me anything." Shit, Leo hated lying especially when people stay stuff like that. But like he said, he could never tell the truth.

"I know, but it's just nerves, I'm fine," there he goes, people should call him Leo the Liar.


Jason knew Leo was lying, he could see it in his eyes, the sadness he tries to hide. Jason couldn't handle not being to help some who was clearly in pain. His heart pinged in a pain he's never felt before. He's felt the pain if disappointing someone but this is different, this was his best friend, this was Leo.

Friend. Why did this simple word not sit right with Jason. He was Leo's friend, but why did this feel different. He cared about Leo, he hated not being able to help.

"Leo, can I ask you something?" Jason was terrified of what might come out of his mouth next.


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