Chapter 25- Awoken

Começar do início

"Trish?" She opens her eyes slowly and as soon as she recognizes me she hugged me tightly, which I got to admit, made my body hurt real bad but I kinda love this feeling of being hugged, especially when it's your bestfriend hugging you, she's not really a hugger, so it's rare.

She soons lets go of me and said.

"I'm so happy that you're awake" she smiles widely and then it changed to a frown which made me frown also.

"What happened to you?" She asks and I started to cry again.

You know that feeling that you want to stop crying but can't. Yeah, that's what I'm feeling right now.


I finally managed to calm myself.

"I know this is really hard for you but I need to get answers. What happened to you? Who did this to you?" My bestfriend asked through gritted teeth.

"I honestly don't know, I was sleeping when it happened. And when I woke up we were in this closed room, handcuffed to a post and me beaten up." I stopped for awhile trying to stop my tears from falling. I took a deep breath and continued.

"My parents are still there Trisha" I whispered, now I couldn't hold back my tears.

Trisha's PoV

I tried calming her down but it's no use, she keeps on crying and crying until the doctor enters the room.

He approaches us and gives me a nicely folded paper, I look at him weirdly.

"What is this?" I asked.

"The nurses found that in one of her pockets" he said refering to Cassie.

I took a deep breath and slowly unfold the paper. The writing on it made me almost drop it.

If you want Cassie's parents back, come and get them at this address _________. But you have to go alone. we have to finish what we started.don't make me wait.

It's a set-up! That bloody criminal just kidnapped people who are innocent! I'm going to make HIM pay!

And then I noticed a waving hand infront of my face, distracting me from my mental conversation with myself earlier.

"T? Are you okay? What does it tell?" She asked with a worried look on her face. Should I show it to her? Well, it's about her parents so, she has the right to know.

As I was giving the letter to her, Harry barged in and smiled warmly at me but soon directed his eyes to Cassie. I looked back at Cassie and saw that she was crying again, her eyes are very red already.

"Don't worry Cassie, I will save them."

"Don't go! He will get you too! We need to get the police!" She said clearly panicking at this moment.

"Cass, the police can't catch the bad guy this time, they're not even trained properly, but I am" I smirked. I think it's time to tell her, and if she tells somebody, I always have the brainwashing spray.

"What do you mean?"

I explained to her everything ,right from the start and Harry helped me in convincing Cassie. And surprisingly, she believed us, but what surprises me the most is when she found out that I had a boyfriend, and that boyfriend was THE Harry Styles, she totally freaked out and smiled like a maniac at me. I don't know what part of my story she is freakin out. Is it the fact that I had a boyfriend? Or is it that Harry is my boyfriend? But atleast that kept her from stressing herself with what's happening now. After that I let her have her rest and I promised that I will get them back.


"So, your plan is to just go in there, without anyone to help you? What if it's all just a trap? What if yo-" I couldn't stop Harry from panicking so I kinda just kissed him to shut him up.

"I should be like this more often" he smirked.

"I didn't have any choice, you were panicking. And anyways, I always have plan B, if he tries to trick me." I gave him a reassuring smile.


Hi! I have three things to say to you guys ^_^

First- thank you for the 3.32K reads! I honestly want to update when this story reached 3K reads but sadly, I had the writers block....again -_- but the weird thing is I thought of new ideas when I was multitasking some things....weird right.

Second- Can you guys read Hazza_RoCk stories? *puppy eyes* don't forget to vote and comment! ^_^

Third- Do you like the chapter?! I'm waiting for new readers to comment...:D hehe


The Secret Agent Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora