Start from the beginning

"Did you manage to find peace?" She asked curiously.

He nodded. "After I realized how lucky I was to have Mike and Alice, and now even Knave." He said, sounding surprised himself. As if he could not believe what he had just admitted. Mendaline wondered if Maria had ever made it to that list.

"I can sleep peacefully at night when I know I have friends who would die for me without a moment's hesitation." Charlie continued.

Mendaline scoffed. "Good for you!" She snapped, suddenly very annoyed with his friendship talks. Or perhaps she was just jealous that he had something she had once dreamt of. Whatever the case, the important thing was that she was annoyed.

"I am not bragging Mendaline," He clarified. "I am just saying if you want to tell me anything, I am listening."

Mendaline took a deep breath. She looked at him with serious eyes. "Are you sure?" She asked. Charlie nodded. "Okay then," She said. "Charlie, I want to tell you to cut your crap and just let me be!"

There was a look of disappointment on his face mixed with a little hurt, but he was quick to hide it. He laughed as if she had said something funny, and gave a thumbs up. "I get your point, I pushed it too far." He said.

Mendaline looked at him in surprise. Why wasn't he mad? If she had said something so rude to someone in her past life, they would've killed her by now. "You're not angry?" She asked in disbelief.

"It's called being understanding." He replied. "It's how friends are!" He explained in a tone which seemed like he was talking to a child.

"We are not friends!" She retorted.

"Okay." Was all he said.

Knowing he was not going to leave, Mendaline stood up. "I am sleepy!" She announced.

"Finally!" Murmured Charlie. "Good night, Mendaline." He said.

She ignored him and went to lie down next to Maria. Slowly, she smiled. "Goodnight, clinger!" Mendaline whispered.

Charlie stood outside the cave with his arms crossed, looking at the mountains. He wondered if Mendaline had created an illusion of some sort, since he was damn sure her cave was not located near any mountains.

"You know, just creeping in on Mendaline every night is not going to make her fall in love with you!" Said Knave, stretching, as he came to stand next to Charlie.

Charlie glanced behind him and found the rest of his friends in deep sleep. After all, the sun had barely risen. He furrowed his eyebrows. "I have no idea what you are saying."

Knave smiled. "It is obvious you're in love with the witch!" He said. "Not telling me would only delay your love story from moving on."

"How so?" He asked. "Not that I am interested in her mind you, I was just curious." He added quickly.

Knave smirked. "Well, admitting your love for her would open access to my incredible advice on how to win a woman's heart!"

Charlie rolled his eyes. He supposed no matter how strong their bond grew, there would always be a part of Knave that would manage to annoy him.

 "In case you haven't noticed, Mendaline does not seem to have a heart." Charlie pointed out.

"She does! It's just that right now all that organ does is pump blood." Knave replied. He looked at him with serious eyes, all humour gone. "She is a woman with a troubled past, which is why she has made her heart equivalent to a rock."

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