Chapter 8: The Council

Start from the beginning

Klayden and I looked to Roger and nodded. I supported Shael's head and back, while roger held her lower back and legs. Roger went to the division commander. Roger was tall, but the division commander was feet taller than him. He stood there talking with the commander, pointing at us while talking. With a nod from the commander, Roger came running towards us - a slight smile on his face.

"Bring her to the horses!" Roger shouted.

As we got closer, a blanket was laid on the ground. Klayden and I slowly rest her down. I hoped dearly that she would make it. I took a deep breath and observed my surroundings. The Knights of the Sacred hand were piling the dead bodies of the witch soldiers, getting them ready for burning. The loud silence of the forest Was now gone; the previous clashing of combat and now the chatter of men took it away.

Akibrus's split body was being wrapped in cloth; Caldor wouldn't have that luxury, his bloody pieces were scattered on the ground. As I observed them working, I was startled by someone calling to me. "What happened to her young man?!" A voice from behind me inquired. I turned to see who it was. The same healer who took care of our wounds after the ceremony. He stooped next to Shael and laid a box beside her head.

"What happened?!" The healer asked once again.

"It seems she overworked herself, she let out a huge blast of magic...she saved my life!"

He put his hand on her cheek and had a sympathetic look on his face. "Ah! Poor girl!" He said.

"She experienced mana drain," he said.

I nodded and looked at her. "Will she be ok?" I asked.

"Don't worry lad!" He removed his hand from her face. "From what I just sensed, she's out cold - nothing major."

I was relieved; if anything happened to her, I would've gone crazy. Klayden was sitting on a stump, his arms crossed listening intently. He walked towards me, swinging his arms wildly.

"Zarek! The squad commander wanted to speak with you." Klayden said.

I looked at him, my eyebrows raised in surprise.

"What does he want me for?" I asked fearfully, wondering if I was in trouble.

Klayden shrugged and then scratched his head, but before he could give an answer, he was interrupted by a sudden burst of flames. I winced and turned to see what caused it but the smell told me before I could turn around. The bodies were burning and they smelt metallic. The extreme heat was hitting me. I put my hand in front of my face to block the heat. Klayden was also blocking his face, he hit my arm and gestured for me to follow him -- I obliged.

We were headed towards the squad commander, he was conversing with three knights around a makeshift table. The commander was pointing at a map when he noticed Klayden and me walking toward him. He raised his hand to allow the knights to stop talking. With a wave, he shooed them away. They bowed and left the table.

 He gestured with his finger to come forward.

"Not you! Blond-haired boy!" he said. "The scarlet-eyed boy, come forward."

I stood in front of the table and gave a low bow. The commander seemed like a serious man, and his presence made me nervous.

"Your name is I correct?" 

"Yes, that is my name commander." He shook his head and put his hands on the table leaning towards me.

"Were you in charge of this unit?" He pulled a paper and took out his quiver, he dipped it in ink and started writing.

"I'm the leader of this unit...yes!"

He nodded his head, the scribbling becoming more intense. He rests the paper down on the table.

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