Chapter seventeen

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I'mma speed through this and make an x reader sorry I lost interest.

Tsumugi and Ayame held hands as they walked together to school as the birds chirped overhead and the sun shown above their heads as the wind ruffled their hair slightly.

Hatori and Shigure walked behind them. Hatori had on his neutral expression. Its been about four days and the two of them had been dating.

He was happy for his friend but he didn't want her to cause the family or him problems. Even her safety in general was at risk.

He watched the two of them giggle as  they talked to each other. You could see it into her faces how happy they were with each other. Sighing he put his hands in his pockets and smiled faintly.

He could only hope for the best. After all if it were him he would want supportive friends to be there for him if he were to fall in love. He looked over at Shigure who was huffing.

"what is it Shigure?" Hatori asked in a rather bored tone already knowing the other boy's answer. "All they do is hang out, what are we extras?" He complained and Hatori chuckled

"this was your idea way before Ayame caught feelings" Hatori stated and Shigure rolled his eyes pouting. "shut up tori"


It was after school and they all decided to go to a karaoke bar. How they managed to drag hatori no one knows

They all arrived at the bar and ordered a small booth.

Ayame and shigure were already trying to figure out how to use and and ayame clapped as shigure set it up. "I never knew you were so good at everything gure!"

Hatori deadpanned "all he did was find the on button on the microphone"

Ayame and shigure picked a song and tsumugi  sat besides hatori because ayame said that he had to amaze her with his voice

Shigure sang very off key as he tried to hit high notes and ayames was better than his.

"But now! There's no where to hide!" Shigure and ayame sang while dancing around the room like a bunch of bimpoes

"I pushed my love aside!!!" They continued to sing and then ayame walked over to tsumugi dramatically

"Hopelessly devoted to youuuuu" shigure pointed to hatori laughing and hatori shook his head allowing a chuckle to escape


The last few weeks went smoothly until akito found out about Thier relationship.

She had sent hatori to retrieve the the girl behind ayames back much to his displeasure

So now hatori stood in front of Tsumugi's house he sighed before walking off towards her door and knocked twice.

Tsumugi opened the door and smiled "hi Hatori what are you doing here? Is aya with you?" She asked looking around and Hatori shook his head and gave her an apologetic look

"please come with me"

So I am so so so sorry that Im losing interest but I will finish the book with the original ending. Im not going to leave it uncompleted

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