Chapter eleven

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"Festival!" Shigure exclaimed while getting dressed. He quickly changed and ran over to Ayame's house.

"hey sweetie lets go to a festival!" He said. "Oh what a wonderful idea darling but let me put my hair into a braid then we can pick up hati" Ayame said they ran over to the black haired males house who groaned at there happy expressions

"What did you do" he sighed placing his hand on his forehead. He was tired from trying to help his father with akito last night.

"we are going to a festival and can we bring a car?" Shigure asked and Hatori shook his head. "You can't drive" he said and Shigure rolled his eyes

"I learned early and plus all I have to do is use my cute little puppy eyes on akito and no punishments will come our way" Shigure said

"come on live a little Haiti" Ayame said trying to get his stubborn friend to agree. "Fine" he said and he went to get changed.

Ayame and Shigure laughed and fist bumped the air as they said "yes!"


Tsumugi was hanging out around her house humming a tune that she heard once. She heard a honk from outside and went to go see what it was.

"beep beep bitch get in were going to a festival" Shigure said with sunglasses on and had his hand on the steering wheel with one arm hanging out of the window.

She laughed. "give me a minute!" She ran in putting on a black top and a black skirt. She grabbed her purse before running out of the house.

She tied her hair up into her usual ponytail and left two curried strands out.

She hopped into the car and sat in the back with Ayame because Hatori was in the front ready to take the wheel if Shigure acted up.

"where'd you get the car!?" She asked "that's a secret love" Ayame said and Hatori rolled his eyes his dramatics. "Our family" he answers the girl. She smiled and Shigure turned on the song a thousand miles.

"MAKING MY WAY DOWNTOWN!" Shigure sang....well more like screamed.

"WALKING FAST FACES PAST!" Tsumugi said her voice was more on key then the boys but still wasnt the greatest.

Hatori sat there watching in amusement but was also questioning his life choices.

They all arrived at the festival and Tsumugi laughed. "You thinking what Im thinking?" She asked Ayame and Shigure as they walked into the festival.

"Photo booth!" "Gang bang!" They said at the same time. Tsumugi and Ayame turned to Shigure. "A gang what?" She asked

Hatori slapped him on the back of the head. "Quit being weird" he said then Shigure smirked. "And how do you know what that is Tori?"

Hatori pinched the bridge of his nose already cringing at the memory "I walked in on you watching it remember and you tried to get me to watch it with you saying it was bro bonding" he said

"oh ya" Shigure said leading the others towards the photo booth. It was a decent size and all of them could fit in it comfortably.

"how many photos?" Shigure asked "lets do twenty seems like a good number" Ayame replied

Shigure selected all the buttons with a five second count down. "Ok first one silly face!"

They all posed with weird faces. Shigure looking like he saw the worlds juiciest ass, Ayame sticking his tongue out and winking with a piece sign. Tsumugi making herself look crossed eyed and Hatori looking disgusted at Shigure.

They continued to take photos like this and then they came to the last one. "All hands on Tsumugi's boobs!" Shigure yelled grabbing Tsumugi's breasts and Ayame laughed "brilliant idea"

She awkwardly laughed and was about to bush them off but the photo was already taken. Hatori back handed both of them. I can't believe Im friends with them he thought shaking his head.

Tsumugi was blushing lightly as they all took a copy of the photos. "next Is a roller coaster!" Shigure yelled and the others agreed.

Hatori was just following them around to make sure they wouldn't get in trouble but he was secretly enjoying himself.

They got on the ride and Ayame and Tsumugi were together and Shigure and Hatori were behind them.

"I don't like it!!!" Shigure yelled as the roller coaster started slowly going up the slope. He was getting irked out as it clicked with each movement.

"woohoooo!" Tsumugi yelled as they went down the hill at a very fast speed.

Ayame was laughing but in the inside he was crying. Shigure was screaming so loud that the other people were telling him to quite down.  Hatori was a little freaked at first but soon settled down and was just chillin.

The ride ended and Shigure ran to the trash can. "Never again" he said and the others laughed at him. "Lets go get a fish" Tsumugi said.  And Everyone got one.

"im naming mine Ayame" "im naming mine Tsumugi" they laughed and Shigure pouted "you guys are like a couple"

They blushed but laughed him off. Then they went to the cotton candy stand. "We'll share because we don't want a whole one" Ayame Said.

Hatori nodded smiling slightly. Most people didn't know it but Hatori had a sweet tooth.

They sat down on a bench after eating the cotton candy. "I have to use the restroom please I beg if you don't so anything stupid" Hatori said

"ya ya" Shigure said waving him off. "Ooo you know what we should do?" He said suddenly "what?" Ayame and Tsumugi said in Unison.

"we should go get ice cream" he said and then they nodded. "Ya lets go race you!" Ayame yelled and then they ran toward the car.

"you can drive Aya!" Shigure said hopping in the back. They started the engine and started driving to Tsumugi's ice cream shop.

"ahhhhhh" Shigure started "we're d-d-driving in a car!" Ayame said "destination drug dealers bar!" Tsumugi sang. "Pass the Mic right over to Charles/Hatori!" (it has to rhyme ok so Charles is Hatori)

They looked around looking for Hatori. "aww shit we forgot Charles/Hatori" "but we can't go back because we gone to far" Shigure said.

"no we have to go back. We can't leave him" Ayame said turning the car around. "That was a good rhyme though" Tsumugi complemented.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU FORGOT ME!" Hatori said in the parking lot" "whoops" Shigure said shrugging. Hatori glared. "Whoops my ass"

"run" Ayame said and then they all.started running away.

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