Chapter fourteen

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Tsumugi was moping around the house. Tomorrow was back to school.

Sure she had a great summer but she wanted to be free from the endless piles of homework some more.

Today Ayame is supposed to come and help her finish a kimono. She heard the knock on her door and opened it. "Hey prince" she said and he smiled "hey princess"

The two of them went to her room. They both grabbed needles and thread and went to work on there newest creation. "so you excited about school?" Ayame asked

"god no" Tsumugi said with a pout and Ayame chuckled. "Well I am. I want to join the student council. Hey! We should both join!!"

Tsumugi's eyes lit up. "That's a great idea!"


It was the next day at school and all four of them were walking together. "Ah how I missed seeing you in that skirt!" Shigure said and Hatori wordlessly slapped him upside the head.

"stop being a perv Shigure. We talked about this" "ya ya" Shigure murders before singing "high school girls" under his breath.

"are you guys going to join the council with us?" Tsumugi asked Hatori shook his head and Shigure nodded.

"of course we could be like the total badasss trio" he said and Hatori rolled his eyes. They entered school and went to there classes.

The girls from last year were shooting Tsumugi glares which she ignored completely much to their annoyance.

Class went on and the bell finally rang for lunch time. The four of them met up and sat at a lunch table together. "Mr. Sohoma Ayame please report to the office"

Hatori turned to Ayame "what did you do this time?" he asked running a hand down his face.

"I have no idea hati dear. Hey Tsumugi come with me" he said and she smiled.

"ok" the two of them walked over to the office and opened the principals door without knocking. "Knock next time" the principal grumbled.

"so why am I here?" Ayame asked and the principal decoded not to complain About the other student.

"because your hair is too long you have to cut it" Ayame and Tsumugi gasped at the same time.

"how dreadful!" Tsumugi explained ahe ran over to Ayame "yes he needs to its schools policy" Ayame and Tsumugi shared a look.

"well you see principle. He can't." The principle rolled his eyes while setting a file on his desk.

"Because he is a price." Ayame nodded in agreement. "Don't tell anyone.

I was shipped here because my land was invaded!" Ayame said while dramatically holding his hand to his forehead.

"You expect me to believe that?" "But its true! And Im my kingdom the price grows his hair and is never allowed to cut it......" Ayame continued to talk nonsense. 

The principle became more confused by the minute. "you know what keep it. Now get out of my office!"

When the door was shut in there faces Ayame and Tsumugi highfived. The two of them walked triumphantly to the lunch room and Hatori face palmed.

"what did you two do?" he asked and Shigure laughed. "They wanted to cut poor aya's hair" Tsumugi started

"so we told him a was a prince who wasnt allowed to cut it" Ayame finished with a smile while running his fingers lovingly through his silky white locks.

"hahaha! Thats brilliant aya!" Shigure said and Hatori sighed "I can't believe you two"

Tsumugi and Ayame sat down shrugging there shoulders. The four of them finished there lunch and made it back to their classrooms.

After school Ayame and Tsumugi met up at her house. Shigure and Hatori had to go home to visit someone important.

"so how are we going to get on the council?" Tsumugi asked sewing a yukata that she had started.

Ayame was sitting in her bed with his hands behind him. His long white hair cascaded down his back and he was smiling.

"the Sohma sex appeal of course"

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