Chapter fifteen

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"Ayame and I made posters yesterday!" Tsumugi said. She was holding a thick stack of posters with pictures of Ayame holding a piece sign over his eye winking seductively.

Hatori looked at the posters that read 'vote for Ayame as present!'
He shook this head and continued to walk down the corridor to his class.

"that looks amazing! I might have to ask you to make the covers of my books" Shigure praised and Tsumugi smiled "did you fix the last chapter?" She asked

"ya! I was planning on bringing it tomorrow" Shigure said skipping down the hall pointing finger guns at a girl walking down the hall.

She rolled her eyes but Shigure didn't notice. "P!ease take your seats" the teacher announced and everyone did.

"As you guys know we are voting for president. And the president can choose who the Vice president is." Ayame skilled and nudged Tsumugi's Shoulder.

Shigure pouted next to Hatori. "You would think because I'm his best friend that he would choose me as vice president. But he us going to dump me for a girl" he said crossing his arms childishly

Hatori chucked "well as you said 'they will get together' Hatori said air quoting him. Shigure grumbled to himself.


Class was over and they were sitting outside eating. " hey prince try this" Tsumugi said holding chopsticks in front of his face a piece of meat between them.

"ok" he happily took a bite and smiled "its good!" Tsumugi beamed "I'm glad. Shigure, Hatori to you wanna try?"

Hatori politely declined but Shigure accepted "aya's right its delicious" "its a new recipe" Tsumugi said then she took out a few of the posters left on her bag.

"Lets throw a few of these up" she said the others except Hatori because he had to drop some papers from another classroom off

The trio walked down the halls shoving pictures of Ayame in every knock and cranny they could find.

"I think you should flirt with the girls and convince them to vote for you" Shigure said and that made Tsumugi feel weird. Why do I feel like this? She thought but shrugged it off agreeing with Shigure.

"ok my first victim of my good charms" Ayame said pointing at a short brown haired girl books were couched to her chest and he had glasses.

"ooo a shy girl. Go get her aya" Tsumugi and Shigure watched as Ayame walked towards the girl tipping her chin upwards

"well hello princess. Can I count on you to vote for me?" He asked leaning closer to her and her cheeks heated up before nodding.

Tsumugi felt hurt that he Called another girl Princess. I thought that was my pet name? She thought but then quickly scowled herself. We are friends nothing more Jeeze Tsumugi get it together.

Chuckling at her own  supposed stupidity she patted Ayame on the back. "Now do it to all the girls" Shigure said.


The three trouble markers walked back into class and Hatori raised an eyebrow at them. "Where were you?"  "Seducing the lovely woman at our school" Ayame replied.

Ayame felt weird while flirting with those girls. It felt....wrong.
Ayame pushes his feelings aside and focused back onto his conversation with his friends.

"Im done with you guys" Hatori said and the trio laughed.
"Now all we have to do is wait for voting day"

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