Chapter sixteen

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I'm alive guys❤

It's been a few days and it was finally voting day. Tsumugi, Ayame, Shigure, and Hatori walked to school smiling. "today is the day Ayame becomes present!" Tsumugi sang skipping along with the boys as Hatori let out a low chuckle.

Ayame smiled and so did Shigure. "the school better choose him  Because if Ayame didn't become president then it would fall into chaos" Shigure said dramatically.

Hatori rolled his eyes "I think its the exact opposite" Shigure stuck his tongue out in a taunting manner making everyone let out a small laugh.

They arrived at the school and all of them were switching shoes. "I'm so excited Gure!" Ayame said bouncing up and down. "Me too aya" they said before giving each other a thumbs up.

They walked along the corridor and made it to there class sitting down and waited for all there lessons to be over. They all ran well except Hatori to the room and Ayame entered the room by Pushing the door open and everyone looked at him his arms were spread and he was smiling.

"hello my dears your future present has arrived!" He said twirling as he walked in. "Please sit down"  Ayame and the others sat down together. A few of the other contenders stated why they should become president and it was now Ayame's turn.

Tsumugi took out her camera "you got this aya. Remember sex appeal!" Her and Ayame said at the same time giving him a thumbs up. Hatori face palmed and watched.

Ayame started his speech and talking about everyone's desires. Everyone was blushing but that was to be expected Ayame was very beautiful.

"I know its hard looking at something as gorgeous as my self..." He continued his speech and at the end he yelled "EVERYONE DIRECT YOUR LUST TOWARDS ME! AND IF YOU WERE WONDERING AM I A.TOP OR A BOTTOM? I AM A BOTTOM ALL THE WAY"

Tsumugi snapped a photo and laughedShigure smiled proudly and Hatori looked at him disappointed.


Everyone got ice cream from Tsumugi's shop and they smiled "that was amazing Ayame" Tsumugi praised. Ayame looked at her and smiled feeling a warm feeling again until he said irrationally "Tsumugi you light a fire within me. So wanna go out on a date my princess?"

Hatori stopped and starred between the two wide eyes one twitching. He can't believe that just happened.

Shigure clapped his hand laughing in delight

And Tsumugi.... Tsumugi fainted.

"oh my god I killed her!" Ayame yelled as he went forward to catch her "Ayame don't!" Hatori yelled but it was too late Tsumugi fell hitting her head on the floor and Ayame had transformed into a snake.

"Hatori looked around sighing in relief when he saw no witnesses. " I can't believe you" he said through gritted teeth. Ayame slithered up Shigure's leg and onto his arm. "Well hati I couldn't deny this feeling" he said dreamaly.

Hatori pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lets set her on that bench. Shigure grab her shoulders" he said grabbing her legs.

Shigure smiled and walked over grabbing under her arms reaching over towards her breasts but then he yelped "don't bite me aya" he wined "don't touch her like that Gure" he said

"Fine I shall resist the urge to touch a woman. But only for you Aya" they carried her over the bench waiting for her to wake up.

She woke up confused and Ayame had already transformed back "ahh Princess your awake" he said smiling. "Ayame what happened?" "I asked you out on a date so romantically too and you passed out" he said throwing an arm over his forehead

Hatori pushed him out of the way and looked at Tsumugi "are you alright?" She nodded and looked at Ayame with a slight blush.

"you asked me out?!" He nodded and grasped her hands "I did, I did please say yes" she blushed "alright" he cheered and so did Shigure.

Hatori watched them "this isn't going to end well" he muttered to himself

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